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单词 monastery 例句大全,用单词monastery造句:

He had returned to India and was living in the monastery he founded outside Calcutta.
他回到印度, 住在加尔各答城外他建起的修道院中。
After some hours by the boat you can reach the very old and abandoned Rdeysky Monastery.
An ecclesiastical assembly of the monks in a monastery or even of the canons of a church.
Beyond the fourth cave are a small ravine and a monastery, consisting of several temples.
Under the background of the above, Admonitions for the Buddhist Monastery came into being.
The modern Indian state of Bihar is named after the word for a Buddhist monastery, vihara.
The report also referred to a Coptic monastery whose fences had been partially demolished.
To order a book one first had to get permission from the monastery that held the copyright.
Li Shutong becomes a monk and stays at the Hupao Monastery with Hongyi as his Buddhist name.
Mason thinks the monastery may have once been a Roman watchtower destroyed in an earthquake.
Shaolin Monastery is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the Western world.
Monastery is the only Buddhism and Taoism, Confucianism threeinone to teach the unique temple.
悬空寺是国内仅存的佛, 道, 儒三教合一的独特寺庙。
Most of the group agrees with the suggestion that the visit to the monastery shall be cancelled.
Chen then concentrated on Buddhist studies at the monastery, according to staff from her company.
据她公司的雇员说, 陈晓旭在这座尼姑庵里潜心研究佛法。
He also sent 400 serfs to the Gundelin Monastery as mortgage for a debt of 3,000 pin Tibetan silver.
I have been submissive to authority, responding to the beck and call of my superior in the monastery.
在修道院里, 我一直服从权威, 听从院长的吩咐和命令
Zhigung Celestial Burial Ground has masters who are monks with Zhigungti Monastery of the Garyu Sect.
Yesterday armed paramilitary police patrolled the streets of the village and surrounded the monastery.
Buddhist Soldier of Resistance Against Japan Buddhists in Shaolin Monastery Buddhists of Shaolin School
He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.
Statue of Sakyamuni which, according to legend, Master Nagarjuna brought to the monastery from the Dragon World
A young boy chases pigeons in the courtyard of a Buddhist monastery and temple in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolias capital.
Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, the executive advisor of this event, is the abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.
The Venerable Master founded the Gold Summit Monastery in Seattle, U.S. A. And Gold Buddha Monastery in Vancouver, Canada.
A Study of the Stone Inscription of Vows for the Giant Buddha Statue of Northern Zhou in the Lashao Monastery of Wushan, Gansu, Postscript

单词 monastery 释义

  • 单词释义:修道院,寺院;[复数]全体僧侣  [更多..]



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