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单词 moonlight 例句大全,用单词moonlight造句:

The hill loomed ahead of him, the grey stones showing white in the moonlight.
I'm convinced it was the product of a subtle magic, the alchemy of moonlight.
我相信这一切都是不可思议的魔力 月光炼金术的效果。
I love walking in the moonlight on the campus, which activates my imagination.
I like dancin an picnics, an walking in the moonlight, an all the rest too well.
His sad eyes fills my heart like the brightness of the moonlight at every night.
A patch of moonlight came through a window six feet away to shine on bookshelves.
一撮月光透过一窗户投射进来, 落在一尺远的书架上。
Resemble the sunlight similar and clean, resemble the moonlight is similar bright!
像阳光一样干净, 像月光一样明朗啊!
In the moonlight I could see a tear glistening on the white patch of his blind eye.
Certain species of shallow water squid give off light to blend in with the moonlight.
In the sad moonlight, she clasped him by the neck, and laid her face upon his breast.
她在凄清的月光下搂住了爸爸的脖子, 把脸靠在他的胸脯上。
At night, there is nothing but silence, moonlight, infinity, stars and a soft breeze.
Since her stomach was bothering her, Miss Sun suggested they go for a moonlight stroll.
The majestic mountains in the moonlight are separated into two by an illuminated street.
North early autumn night, moonlight dim, night appears to be so beautiful, joyfully lively.
北方初秋的夜, 月色朦胧, 夜色显得那么幽美, 生趣盎然。
The fields on either bank seemed veiled in a thin grey haze as they slept in the moonlight.
Madadayo to brave the east wind moved the clouds faint, Show the moon, the moonlight is faint.
The bright moon has just risen. People on the riverside are taking a walk under the moonlight.
The firework on the water, is blowed dispersed or breakup because of the moonlight heading west?
Wish us a long life to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even if we are thousands miles apart.
We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart
但愿人长久, 千里共婵娟
Just then, the wind blew a rift in the grey clouds, and in silver moonlight they reached the north end of the street.
这时, 风把灰云吹裂开一块, 露出月光, 二人已来到街的北头。
To have this charming moonlight, silent phase, as with the moon, enough. All the other have begun to become negligible
Thus, there is a soft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe.
晓月静谧无语, 敬因心通情切。
There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness.
The golden leaves of summer along with the bright moonlight and the gentle zephyr would always bestow a feeling of tranquility and leisure on us.

单词 moonlight 释义

  • 单词释义:n.月光;adj.月光的,月夜的  [更多..]



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