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单词 receptive 例句大全,用单词receptive造句:

On the Receptive Psychology of Jin Yong's Chivalrous Dramas from Recreational Function
My comments to you this morning came at a time when you were most receptive to hearing.
They should be receptive, appreciative, and fair when dealing with employees suggestions.
在处理职工建议时, 他们应是易于接近, 有鉴别力和公平的。
Governments worldwide are becoming more and more receptive to new controls in this field.
Reading is a receptive language process and is often the chief goal of language learners.
阅读是语言接受的过程, 也是语言学习者的主要任务。
The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.
雌蕊花柱顶部, 授粉时花粉被旋转于此。
The style is elongated, ending in a small, capitate stigma, which becomes receptive at bloom.
The Icelander is highly receptive to Pardews vision of retaining an English core at his club.
A Study of Acquisition of Receptive and Productive Knowledge of Highly Familiar Polysemous Words
Love can develop under the strangest circumstances.Be open and receptive to advances being made.
敞开心扉, 爱情可能会在最奇怪的环境下发生。
Compressed air causes the deposition of the moisture from the onto the receptive drying material.
DIESTRUS in the unspayed female dog. The period of sexual inactivity after the female is receptive.
This illusion can be explained by a dissonance that takes place in the receptive field of the brain.
The Applicability of Receptive Aesthetics Exoterica is the Key Role Students Carry out to eurythmics Education
The current environment is not very receptive, and that may lead to a delay in these offerings, Mr. Riggs said.
Of course promoting sales and products is encouraged, but do so in a way that your customers can be receptive to.
A Comparative Study of Positive Transferability in Receptive and Productive English Lexicon Acquisition Processes.
He realized that it was only when he genuinely let go of his preconceived ideas could he truly be receptive to the Master Power.

单词 receptive 释义

  • 单词释义:善于接受的;能容纳的;有接受力的;感受的,感官的  [更多..]



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