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单词 reading 例句大全,用单词reading造句:

Reading teaching includes two parts the exemplary reading in class and extracurricular reading.
Have you tried palm reading? I know of a palm reading stall, and it is said to be very accurate.
At some point, I gradually moved out of reading these other things into reading science fiction.
A Study of Reading Strategy Training Effect on Learner Autonomy and Reading Comprehension Ability
So absorbed was she in reading the touching novel that she didnt hear somebody knocking at the door.
她如此专注于这本感人的小说, 竟没有听到有人敲门。
Traditional manual meter reading will be replaced by the computer remote concentrated meter reading.
An Experimental Study of the Teachability of ESL Reading Metacognitive Strategy in ESL Reading Class
In addition, without selection reading may become aimless and blind, which makes reading inefficient.
The last is guess read the new words, reading materials are the important factors affect reading speed.
The reading discussion method was not significantly improved the fourth grade students'reading attitude.
Reading poetry emphasizes the integration of generalized reading and detailed reading of the whole poem.
The various classes have also begun Morning Reading, insidiously reading sound reverberated in the campus.
The key of reading lies in reading selectively and thoroughly, and not in reading more than you can digest.
The second chapter describes and analyses literary reading and colloquial reading and their new development.
The reading discussion method significantly improved the fourth grade students'reading comprehension ability.
The effects of silent reading, recital reading with and without expressions on children's Memorization on Poetry
The way of reading a book which I follow has three points: reading a book is good, be keen on reading, read a good book.
Renzhe, whether or not you get people reading along with you, Id absolutely love to see regular updates on your progress.
this is frequently counterproductive in the intensive reading lesson, and is doubly so in an extensive reading programme.
这是经常会在精读课, 是加倍如此广泛的阅读计划。
I love reading, because reading a good book allows us to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, to tell right from wrong.
A Study of Gender Differences of Junior High School Students'English Reading Strategies and Its Relationships with Reading Scores
After reading the letter, my heart throbbed with excitement. B. After reading the letter, I felt my heart throbbing with excitement.
These children are explicitly forbidden from reading newspapers, listening to radio, reading any books that the teachers do not prescribe them.
这些孩子们被禁止 读报,听广播 或是 读课外书。
It is mostly useless to ask others to recommend books that we ourselves would love to read. We have to read various books first, and then choose one or several genres for further reading. But only reading itself has disadvantages. It must be applied to the real world to make books alive.
While reading, at the beginning of reading, suspects are unknown. Doubts come about gradually, and then doubts are everywhere. After this stage, doubts are cleared up and mastery is achieved through a comprehensive study of the subject. Eventually there is no doubt, and that is called"study".

单词 reading 释义

  • 单词释义:阅读;宣读;读物;读数  [更多..]



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