Abstinence frees you from the pressure to get married before you are ready.
Sentinel is instantly on his feet, ready to fight, ready to end the battle.
御天敌迅速站起, 准备迎战, 准备结束这场战斗。
Gets the status of the drive, indicating whether it is ready to be accessed.
获取驱动器状态, 即它是否已准备好被访问的标志。
The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month.
But they appear ready to think about making the party a bit more accountable.
How much intrusion into national policies are Greece and Italy ready to accept
Kenyan and Egyptian companies have been accredited and are ready for deployment.
They held Jackal shield gauntlets, ready to activate them to protect the others.
Vinyl acrylic latex ready mixed paint The painter lightened the color with white.
Cooking softens food, and releases sugars and other products ready for absorption.
marie well, i m going to finish feeding abby. i ll let you know when dinner s ready.
I admit now that I was wrong, and I am ready to acknowledge it in front of everyone.
我现在承认我错了, 并准备在大家面前公开认错。
The ready state expresses that the activity is ready to be handled by a human being.
President Abbas promised the airport would reopen soon and be ready to welcome visitors.
阿巴斯保证将重开机场, 准备迎接到访者。
Your film documentary may be ready to air soon, or your book may be ready for publication.
A reference to a ready queue, which contains the threads that are ready to obtain the lock.
The entire organization has to be ready to adapt to all of these changes at a moments notice.
The girl's family has accepted your proposal of marriage. Quickly, get ready to marry your bride.
姑娘家许婚了, 你快准备迎亲吧。
Management has realised that workers are still not ready to accept Japanese-style working methods.
Handgun Ready Conditions The ready condition of handguns used in a competition shall be as follows.
The usher, accompanied by a gendarme ready to lend him armed assistance, introduced the convict Brevet.
Elizabeth was exceedingly pleased with this proposal, and felt persuaded of her sister s ready acquiescence.
伊丽莎白非常赞成这个建议, 而且相信姐姐也会赞成。
When the conveyor with boxes has been activated, limit switch resets counter which is again ready to count 8 apples.
But environmental activists are not yet ready to dismiss the threat posed by toxic chemicals on U. S. military bases.
This proof of principle is now ready to be extended to multiple operations, which is by no means a simple accumulation of the operations.