Why is such a torrent of reactionary, vicious statements being allowed to appear in the press ?
Reactionary political viewpoints, that destroy the stability and unity of the nation and society.
Rescind the reactionary Order of January 17 and publicly admit that you have been completely wrong.
第二, 取消一月十七日的反动命令, 并宣布自己是完全错了
The Latin American peoples must free themselves from foreign and domestic reactionary political domination.
Meanwhile, it is necessary to resolutely refute the reactionary, destructive theory of agricultural socialism.
When questioned by the reactionary police, she came right back with a vehement protest against the false charge.
Many of the people I met have developed ways to combat reactionary workflow. Here are a few tips on how they do it
Reactionary forces in the Senate would not allow a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators to pass.
Driven beyond the limits of forbearance, the people rose up in arms and in the end toppled Chiangs reactionary rule.
广大人民忍无可忍, 奋起斗争, 终于推翻了蒋介石的反动统治。
During the first days of the foundation of P.R.C, the Party and government had been striking sternly at reactionary teams.
if such wars occur,the policy of these Parties is to bring about the defeat of the reactionary governments of their own countries.
We definitely do not apply a policy of benevolence to the reactionaries and towards the reactionary activities of the reactionary classes.
Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds, this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs.
Nor can it become protracted by simply pitting the big against the small, the progressive against the reactionary, or abundant support against meagre support.