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单词 rate 例句大全,用单词rate造句:

Handling fee rate, and lending fee rate expressed as an annual percentage rate.
The rate of absenteeism of the absenteeism rate always increase in fine weather.
天气好时, 旷工率总是升高。
This lactate threshold is closely correlated with heart rate and breathing rate.
As expected, the heat transfer rate depends on the cooling capacity rate of air.
与预期相吻合, 热传导率的大小取决于气流的制冷率。
The actual rate of decay may be somewhat greater or less than this expected rate.
The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium.
the lower tax rate of name tariff covered up the valid protection rate of tariff.
The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.
The RMB exchange rate regime with the anticipation of the rising RMB exchange rate
The rate of cow's oestrum fecundation is one key factor of cattle's breeding rate.
Identifying the interest rate risk as well as foreign exchange rate risk exposures.
Temperature also affects the rate of decomposition and thus the nutrient flux rate.
Use slow solvent and aim to reduce ink drying rate, increasing the rate of dot gain.
使用慢干溶剂, 降低油墨干燥速度, 提高网点增大率。
It can optimize the break rate automatically which make the break rate to the least.
Its unemployment rate and foreclosure rate are both well below the national average.
Reconnect the heart rate clip and record your heart rate immediately after exercise.
As the rate of childhood obesity has exploded, so has the rate of precocious puberty.
由于儿童肥胖率日益增加, 青春期早发的比率也在增长。
The technology improves the sand discharge rate and the sand pumping production rate.
Analysis of Influence Factor on Seed Damage Rate and Loss Rate During Picking CornCob
What does happen if rate ot turnover of current assets slows to half its former rate ?
如果流动资产周转率降至原先的一半, 会发生什么状况?
Well most students aren't even aware of a discount rate, but there is a discount rate.
大部分的学生不知道这个折扣是多少, 但是的确有个折扣表。
The Notes carry a coupon interest rate by a single interest rate determined by tender.
The oversampling ratio is the ratio of the sample rate to the symbol rate or chip rate.
If the rate of the back formation becomes significant, the rate laws become more complex.
若逆反应的速度变得重要, 则速度规律也就比较复杂。
Coupon rate refers to the annual interest rate as a percentage of the par value of a bond.
息票率指债券的年利率, 相当于债券面值的某个百分比。

单词 rate 释义

  • 单词释义:速度,进度;比率;价格,费用;房产税  [更多..]



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