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单词 rarely 例句大全,用单词rarely造句:

Flowers usually actinomorphic, bisexual, rarely unisexual and then plants dioecious.
Evaluation of acclimatization of the highland forces has been reported rarely so far.
Leaves usually opposite, rarely alternate, stipulate or estipulate leaf blade simple.
叶通常对生, 很少互生, 具托叶或无
The amount awarded by the court will rarely pay the full amount of the attorney fees.
Sepals apically obtuse, rarely acute or acuminate branchlets and inflorescence tomentose.
顶部的萼片是抑制, 很少锐尖到渐尖小枝和开花被绒毛。
In addition to the school to make a face to face encounter, their lives rarely intersect.
This shows that Vanadium pentoxide may only rarely be applicable as sole oxidizing agent.
Palpitant frequency very few, breathing number, digestive juices rarely rarely secretion.
Branchlets and inflorescences tomentose. Sepals obtuse, rarely acute or acuminate at apex.
Additionally, its efficacy and applicability have rarely been discussed in the literature.
事实上, 它的有效度及可应用性在文献也少被探讨。
Hematological malignant diseases rarely affect the uterine cervix as primary malignancies.
Textual Research on Rarely Used Words in Ancient Literature of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Flowers dense, small, actinomorphic, hermaphroditic or rarely unisexual and plants dioecious.
Leaves are mostly simple, stipulate, alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, sometimes reduced.
From now on, he will rarely complete a sentence without a fruity adjective to help it on its way.
从这一刻开始, 他几乎每句话都带有怪诞的形容词。
Leaf blade narrowly oblong, rarely lanceolate or elliptic, abaxial surface with whitish indumentum.
叶片狭长圆形, 很少披针形或椭圆形, 背面具带白色。
Plaintiff's winning rate is low and the administrative reconsideration procedure is rarely started.
原告胜诉率偏低, 行政复议程序制度闲置等现象突出。
More rarely such larvae, which fail to reenter the circulation, are found in other abdominal organs.
In contrast, undifferentiated carcinomas rarely exhibit structurally altered tumor suppressor genes.
The issues concerning concept of aggregated consequential offense and attempt etc. are rarely mentioned.
Gastric papillary adenoma is rarely encountered and is usually an incidental finding in daily clinical practice.
It rarely changes and it is rarely sufficient to alleviate the constant hunger pains experienced by the children.
这很难改变, 而且不能解除孩子们持续饥饿的痛苦。
Deciduous shrubs leaves papery aggregate fruit adnate to, rarely separating from torus at maturity, rarely hollow.
By no means an activist, Chisholm rarely joins causes or signs petitions, but on this issue she feels obliged to speak out.
In view of this kind of situation, the antimony industry administrative office rarely had the substantive remedial treatment.
针对此种情况, 锑业管理处却鲜有实质性的补救措施。

单词 rarely 释义



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