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单词 rain 例句大全,用单词rain造句:

Back found that more flirtatious flower rain, rain, the grass more green Keren!
The rain came down so suddenly that they had to take cover in an abandoned barn.
雨下得很突然, 他们只好在一个废弃的谷仓里避雨。
Peacock also is said to be able to foretell rain,and dances when rain is coming.
They found that the leaves of the rain tree could absorb a large amount of water.
Peacock also is said to be able to foretell rain, and dances when rain is coming.
据说孔雀能够预知雨水, 将要下雨的时候就会跳舞。
Spring rain is downy, saw a spring rain in bamboo, bamboo leaves on the heartbeat.
According to the weather forecast, there will be a week of alternate rain and sunshine.
根据天气预报, 下礼拜时雨时晴。
Someone likes rain, someone dislike rain. I have never heard anyone say he dislike snow.
Facing such rain night, the concern is the immersion in the rain the only mournful thought.
The wind travels as fast as a speeding automobile and often it is accompanied by heavy rain.
风速就像疾驰的汽车一样快, 还经常伴随着暴雨。
The results showed that the accuracy of no rain forecast and light rain forecast were higher.
The rain drops came down, in despair, like abandoned by the gods, landed onground any prepare.
雨水落下来, 绝望的, 像是被上帝遗弃了, 毫无准备地洒在地上。
Light rain forecast today, going to and from work, the sky finally points sporadic light rain.
天气预报今天有小雨, 下班时, 天空终于飘起了零星的小雨点。
It doesn't try to produce a heath or a meadow or a rain forest or a kelp garden or a coral reef.
野化不是试图建造荒地或牧场 或雨林或海藻园或珊瑚礁
Radioactive particles travel in the wind and get absorbed into soil with the help of rain and snow.
Acid rain first appeared in industrialization Europe. Nowadays, acid rain appears all over the world.
Now what happens is, rain water, that heavy rain water sort of sits on top of that bedrock sanding clay.
现在所发生的是, 雨水, 暴雨冲刷基岩上的砂粘土。
Perhaps I spring rain in the morning spring rain and cherry can not tell words when I comprehend suddenly.
Western wind when wilt thou blow, The small rain down can rain Christ, if my love were in my arms And I in my bed again!
Rain The rain is falling all around, It falls on field and tree, It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea.
Generally, rain cloud is higher than non rain cloud in altitude and its temperature is lower than that of non rain cloud.
Study on the Distribution Pattern of Arboreal Species Abundance of Mountainous Rain Forest in Dawei Mountains, Yunnan, China
His friend was far too proud to accept a loan, and so spent a lot of time trekking to the library in the rain to look things up.
Comparison of and Analysis on the Observation Data between the Solid Rain Accumulating Gauge and the Siphontype Selfrecording Rain Gauge
Yes, I like the rain, especially when it's drizzling. The wind had dropped suddenly and the rain had become a light drizzle. We had a sprinkle this morning.

单词 rain 释义

  • 单词释义:雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<俚>电子流  [更多..]



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