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单词 rail 例句大全,用单词rail造句:

Analysis of Adaptability Based on Monorail Traffic Structural Type of Chongqing Light Rail Line2
There is no additional money allocated to rail in the final year of the three year spending plan.
The Contrast Test between Rail Vibration Absorber Fastenings and Elastic Shoe Monolithic Track Bed
Effects of Steel Grade, Rail Shape and Process on Residual Stress of Steel Rail After Straightening
Architectural Design of Hotel Built over Rail Transit Station of Shanghai Pudong International Airport
The Rail Gun Accelerator is the new support power available exclusively to the Steel Talons subfaction.
Approach to Stiffness of Legs of Rail Mounted Container Gantry Crane and Its Rail Side Squeezing Problem
The invention eliminates the phenomenon of the rail gnawing of crown block caused by rail joint crushing.
Structural, Strength and Rigidity Analysis for Slide Rail Over and Under Type Skid Bed Drawing Steel Rail
When you get to Rome, you can make use of the free airport shuttle service to reach the rail train station.
Each rail width of setting chamber to be adjusted by a driving motor including transmit box at the same time.
Revamping construction of antifriction coating rail of working table of large scale gantrytype milling machine.
Caution about Rail Brittle Fracture Caused by Welding of Power Supply Return Conductor And Rail of Urban Transit
To supplement his viewpoint, the author finally introduces the characteristics of the aluminum alloy contact rail.
An operational amplifier that can maintain stability close to its negative, or ground, rail is an important asset.
运放维持接近其负极, 地或轨的稳定性是很重要的指标。
Study on Fuel Injection Timing of the Common Rail Pressure Accumulating Type Electronic Control Fuel Injection System
The flexible injection characteristics can be acquired by controlling common rail pressure and pulse width coordinately.
The highspeed rail system has been accused of using shoddy materials and running trains faster than their planned top speed.
The rate of mil creep lengthening at the beginningafter rail laying on the track is greater than that of the afterward time.
Kowloon Southern Link is an extension of West Rail from its Nam Cheong Station to connect with East Rail at East Tsim Sha Tsui.
The common rail fuel injection system can be divided into the medium pressure common rail system and the high pressure common rail system.
Combined Application of the Rail Traffic and Rail Less Traffic as Well as the Machinery Configuration for Long and Large Tunnel Construction
Research and development of the medium pressure common rail hydraulically actuating electronically controlled variable valve system for diesel engine
Two methods of rail vibration reduction are introduced, with one employing the rail vibration absorber fastenings and the other using the elastic shoe monolithic track bed.
The main products are heated towel rail, bathroom accessories, balustrade systems, furniture frames, marine parts, louver systems, galvanized trailers, and other tailor made products.
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单词 rail 释义

  • 单词释义:围栏;轨道,钢轨;扶手;[动]秧鸡  [更多..]



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