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单词 raw 例句大全,用单词raw造句:

The Simulation Research on Adjustability of Cement Raw Mix Proportioning Project to Primary Material
Is one kind of red white thin raw white silk alternates with just like entangles the filiform agate.
Those who affirm quality of raw material chrysalis is company economic stability is important assure.
Thus, while a functional effect of raw materials, raw materials in order to stabilize the foundation.
In addition, rush also is high grade papermaking raw material and absolutely good anticorrosive stuff.
So we have transport facilities, labor force, preferential polities as well as abundant raw materials.
Material adopt Russia primeval forest high grade seeds of trees , ashtree , oak wood are raw material.
材料采用俄罗斯原始森林的优质树种, 水曲柳, 柞木为原料。
The recent advance in the price of raw cotton have compelled us to make a slight increase in the price.
由于最近原棉涨价, 致使我产品稍有提价。
olfactory has procedures for quality inspection on incoming raw materials, accessories and components.
This craft has the raw material acquire, operation simple with proceed to wait the characteristic easily.
该工艺具有原料易得 操作简单易行等优点。
It is traditionally made by adding common strains of Streptococcus and Lactobacillus Bacteria to raw milk.
Analysis of Factors to Affect the Size Deviation of Raw Silk in Reeling Simulation of Fixed Number Cocoons
The vaporized steam can be pumped out through vacuum exhaust pipe when the damp raw material absorbed heat.
湿物料吸热后蒸发的水汽, 通过真空泵经真空排气管被抽走。
XiaoyiCityboasts abundant raw material supply and a benign investment environment. Risks are relatively low.
Has the factory adequate measures to assure raw materials conformance to required specifications before use ?
Regarding the payment for raw material and finished product, I suggest that reciprocal letter of credit is adopt.
关于原材料和成品费用的支付, 我建议双方对开信用证。
Some professional pastry chefs suggest adding a pinch of salt with the raw egg whites at the beginning of beating.
Inedible alcohol, raw materials and additives shall be prohibited from being used to manufacture alcoholic drinks.
Inside the hopper there is a stirring device in order to avoid agglomeration of raw material and forming canal of flow.
And our country amylaceous natural resources is very substantial, develop cricoid dextrin to have raw material advantage.
而我国淀粉资源十分丰富, 开发环状糊精具有原料优势。
In this dissertation, the liquid alkoxide at room temperature is synthesized using alcohol and aluminum as raw materials.
The raw material of anticorrosive material maintains the requirement of overseas technology, the flake raw material is imported.
The results show that the mechanical properties of activated white talc in rubber are clearly improved than that of raw material.
Filature of heater of silk raw silk catchs a filature that bask in silk to knit silk to abstain rayon of silk of degree of finish.
The results showed that adding barium carbonate to the raw materials could enhance the acid resistance of the acidproof bricks effectively.

单词 raw 释义

  • 单词释义:生的;自然状态的;强大的;擦伤的;不熟练的;寒冷的;质朴的  [更多..]



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