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单词 reasoned 例句大全,用单词reasoned造句:

My wise teacher gently replied to my adolescent outrage with reasoned and moderate responses.
They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets.
They were diving at the local freshwater lake sothere was nothing to be worried about, he reasoned.
他坚信这是片清澈的海域, 因此没什么好担心的。
I think you have to acknowledge that my article is well reasoned and the arguments are unassailable.
Upon entering into conversation with them one found that they reasoned correctly and even brilliantly.
同他们一交谈, 即可发现他们言之有理, 分析精辟。
In theory, it should be possible to give a reasoned and perhaps even a conclusive answer to this question.
The Age of Reason is famous for being the period in which a person is considered capable of making reasoned judgments.
Experiment Research on Reasoned Supplemental Feed Scheme of Corn stalk Silage as Element Ration in Beef Cattles Fattening
We reasoned that the Ruhr, which we expected to be defended by the strongest forces the enemy could provide, would be best reduced by a double envelopment.

单词 reasoned 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.详尽论述的,理由充分的  [更多..]



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