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单词 ran 例句大全,用单词ran造句:

I need to talk to you about our ad that ran in your newspaper yesterday.
The motorist admitted that he ran over a woman on a pedestrian crossing.
I ran into the nursery and wrapped Adele in a shawl and carried her down.
我跑到婴儿室, 用围巾把阿玳尔裹起来, 抱她下楼。
The hunter ran andand ran, until ended up at the edge of a very steep cliff.
猎人跑呀跑呀, 跑到一个陡峭得悬崖边上。
Because he went out to the AcaDemy a few times anD ran your fielD exercises ?
He ran to the hospital rapidly on hearing the news of his son's car accident.
The whole conversation ran on the breakfast, which one and all abused roundly.
Ran the Accounts Department with the help of one senior and two junior clerks.
And buck ran with them, side by side with the wild brother, yelping as he ran.
A time capsule which ran aground, was abandoned by its crew, and never salvaged.
If ran across an old man in forest, I would be soon lost in our laughter and talk.
偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。
Columbus accidentally ran into America but thought he had discovered part of India.
We ran and ran, faster than I had ever run before, and my heart was beating wildly.
我们跑啊跑, 我从来没有跑这么快过, 我的心狂乱地跳着。
They ran so fast that the soldier accidentally stepped on the youngest princess'cape!
她们跑得很快, 以致于士兵一个不小心踩到小公主的披肩!
Travel and adventure were to be his way of life, and at sixteen he ran away from home.
Suddenly, I accidentally put a small wooden boat to sail Pengdiao, she angrily ran away.
突然, 我一不小心把小木船的船帆碰掉了, 她生气地跑开了。
It turned out even a hurt fawn ran fast and had an advantage over a man sinking in snow.
Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord
众人大声喊叫, 捂着耳朵, 齐心拥上前去。
The thief's accomplise ran away at the sight of the police, abandoning his watch and his friend.
Stop making waves and admit your ran the red light. It is useless to argue with the police officer.
But with an artificially strong currency and access to cheap debt, the Greeks took the money and ran.
The person who caused the car accident ran away, which aroused strong indignation among the witnesses.
Porsche ran up euro 9 billion in debt when it accumulated a stake in Volkswagen in an abortive takeover.
在吸股收购大众汽车失败之后, 保时捷负债高达90亿欧元。
As the resolution contained language that ran contrary to that position, Canada would abstain from voting.
Days to pay two drums, taking advantage of revelry left Aheng assassin, ran to the sun and the moon Pavilion.

单词 ran 释义

  • 单词释义:跑( run的过去式 );移动;(使)流动;(工作等)进行  [更多..]



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