Rampant corruption, incompetence and sheer laziness in the public sector would be rooted out.
In its worst form, rampant corruption leads to human rights abuses and the outbreak of conflict.
Besides being an admitted serial killer andcannibal, he was also a rampant pedophile and a deviant.
除了连环杀人犯和食人魔, 他还是个变态, 猖狂的恋童癖者。
Deadly infectious diseases such as smallpox and the plague occurred frequently and even ran rampant.
天花, 鼠疫等烈性传染病屡有发生和流行。
The Mazda 3 lines are smooth,although the contour is not rampant,but suffices outstanding absolutely.
Force three to seven wind in the area hampers the firefighting efforts and the fire is still rampant.
现场三到七级的大风给灭火带来困难, 火势依然迅猛。
The Mazda 1 lines are smooth, although the contour is not rampant, but suffices outstanding absolutely.
In Guangdong Province prostitution is rampant, why dont we crack down on the worst proprietors of brothels
广东卖淫罪犯那么猖獗, 为什么不严惩几个最恶劣的
Due to cheap water tariff, the waste of water is rampant in daily life and industrial and agricultural production.
由于水价低, 生活用水及工, 农业用水的浪费现象极为普遍。
No one can deny the juvenile delinquency and unawareness of diseases could lead to rampant bangviolence and an AIDS epidemics.
By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators , or childs have avoided the hazards of rampant crossbreeding in the wild.
我热爱学习, 在班级里成绩名列前茅, 喜欢活学活用。