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单词 quota 例句大全,用单词quota造句:

Pollution in Type I pond is very serious, especially, the content of phenol in carp far exceed quota.
型塘水质污染相当严重, 尤其是鲤鱼酚含量严重超标。
This file shows the number of allocated disk quota entries and the number of free disk quota entries.
CLA announced yesterday quota of migrant workers in big construction projects must be ordered by them.
New Customs questions, he said, are usually related to proving quota allocation and price for the goods.
他说, 新的海关问询通常与提供配额及货品价格有关。
However, the report also acknowledges that the Government has not practiced quota and preferential rules.
Allocations would be valid for a period of one calendar year from the opening of the quota import period.
Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the implementation column.
The Determination of Additional Quota of Making and Installing Inspection Tube of Drilling Hole Pour Stake.
Enrollment is determined by drawing lots when the number of individual applicants exceeds enrollment quota.
如个人申请人数众多, 将以抽签方式处理。
Conservationists claim that businessmen then flocked to the island and began ram pantly abusing this quota.
A quota was established, and government officials were authorized to destroy inferior and excess production.
Mandelson didn't have the political capital to block the licensing scheme, which is a quota in another form.
Drawbacks of Labor Budget Unit Price and Improvement Suggestions in Present Water Conservancy Project Quota.
Computer Aideil Management System of Material Consumption Quota and Material Supply Plan in Group Production
Determination of water production function and irrigation quota of broad bean in ground irrigation condition.
Quota editing of collapsed sideslope repairing works of No. 6 construction drift of Baoquan hydropower station
Gradually push forward the controls over the total amount and quota management of agricultural water consumption.
A change shall be made in compliance with the procedures for the determination of the quota of people's assessors.
Analysis on Rent Seeking Behavior toward Forest Felling Quota Policy and Classified Management of Forest Resources
Mandeersen emphasizes, we won't return the quota period of textile again quota again is unreasonable, inequitable.
3 The fixed quota of competitors qualifying for the semifinal and final shall be 26 and 8 competitors, respectively.
Implementation of the forest cutting quota is an efficient method for controlling the consumption of forest resources.
Seek advice at the same time appoint commissarial number will be flexibility, without limitation of rigid quota of people.
USTRs allocation follows the U.S. Department of Agriculture action increasing the total import quota by 226, 796 metric tons.
此前, 美国农业部决定增加226, 796公吨进口总配额。
The US Immigration and Naturalisation Service said us technology groups had already used up their quota of 115,000 visas for skilled foreign workers in the fiscal year 2000.

单词 quota 释义

  • 单词释义:(正式限定的)定量,定额;配额;指标  [更多..]



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