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单词 really 例句大全,用单词really造句:

When I say I broke up with you, when really it really hurts it really hurts my heart.
Is really worthily the aristocrat school, ices emperors environment to be really good.
真不愧是贵族学校啊, 冰帝的环境果然不错。
You useless!! You really wanna give me a big disgrace You know, you really piss me off!!
The dog has amazing capability identifying some really really minor amount of explosives.
And that's a really, really incredible insight into how the mind makes sense of advantage.
而这对我们理解大脑如何看待优势 提供了非常好的启发
I think it was really the importance of the injustice that really struck me very forcibly.
But Keane was really the deciding factor and I'm really looking forward to working with him.
但是基恩才是促使我做决定的因素, 我很想与他一起工作。
But sometimes, a science has some other attributes which makes it really, really interesting.
有时候,科学有其他本质 令它很有趣
Not much really. It's more of an American tradition, so back home we don't really celebrate it.
Only when getting rid of bullfighting during the period of are dreadful is really really amazing.
So, although that would be really, really awesome, again, that's extremely, extremely impractical.
所以尽管这是个好想法 但是也极不现实
It's the 19st century, but we really have only just begun to really study our oceans in a deep way.
现在是21世纪,但我们对海洋的深入了解 才刚刚开始。
We're really good at talking about material things, but we're really bad at talking about emotions.
I just can’t stand brown nosers and yes men. They really discourage the people who work really hard.
There's a situation where errors in statistics had really profound and really unfortunate consequences.
在这种情形下 错误的数据 产生了很重大而且不幸的结果
After joining this company my career has really been developing. I guess job-hopping is really worth it.
This is some weird gypsy meets homeless person meets Burberry store look that I really, really do not dig.
I didnt really didnt really stick out to me. But I think that dive volley saved his life there on that occasion.
You really think, you really think it's appropriate that you should actually take children and use them as a shield?
你真的认为, 你真的认为, 拿小孩当挡箭牌, 合适吗?
But can this really happen? Can we really choose to delete those unhappy memory and just remember those nice and lovely memory!
但系有无可能咁做呢?删除唔钟意嘅, 留下所有美好嘅记亿!
Lie below the bed, feel the somebody on the bed again, so remittent, afflict the person dead really!Afflict the person dead really!!
I just want to end with a simple message that understanding the code is really, really important, and if we can understand the code.
最后 我想说掌握代码 非常非常重要 如果我们能掌握代码
Its difficult when youre used to being really fit and agile, having an enormous amount of energy and strength and a really flat stomach.
I think I popped my eardrum after blowing my nose too hard and it hurts really really bad. Should I go to the E.R. now or just schedule a doctor’s appt tomorrow morning?
Way too many attention whores on facebook these days. We get it, you really need some attention, but do you really have to tag like 50 people in your posts and beg for likes?

单词 really 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.真正地,实在地,(表语气)真的吗?  [更多..]



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