Professor Fishman says that virtual reality has the potential to accelerate scientific advancement.
Each species syncopates the dreamtime reality with the physical reality through the breath of life.
The twisting of reality and blatant violations of international humanitarian law cannot be accepted.
All of the events that had accumulated and contributed to my bad mood were, in reality, unimportant.
The larger the field of activity the personality has, the greater will be its insights into reality.
人的活动范围越广, 对现实的洞察越深刻。
And I think one of the problems with classical economics is it's absolutely preoccupied with reality.
我认为古典经济学中的一个问题 就在于它太专致于现实。
Direct observation in an acquiescent state exposes the fantasy of conceptual designations of reality.
The existence of substitute teachers is the result of reality which should be acknowledged by the law.
He did not admit the reality that his project was infeasible until great loss was caused to his company.
The sobering reality acknowledged in the report is that there is a need for effective prevention strategies.
absorption of traditional artistic expressive techniques, combing nobility and serenity, fiction and reality.
吸收传统艺术表现手法, 做到动静, 虚实结合。
Absolute Reality is to be realized and proved through diligent practices, not through persistent questionings.
It begins by accepting the reality of limitless abundance, and believing that you can create a wealthy life.
Combination of Historic Intergrowth and Reality of Socialist Political Civilization and National Administration
True happiness is Peace, a state of mind achieved through perceiving the Absolute Reality and freedom from Desire.
To carry out the work of fighting against the false in accounting and ensure the reality of accounting information
The fact that my first address to you comes from a consulate on foreign soil is a testament to our changed reality.
Real E-Motion U.S. firm MotionWare has developed a virtual reality device that creates the actual sensation of movement.
But the information of low common, yellow on the net may revulsive adolescent is promiscuous and fictitious with reality.
This paper believes that the standards of mysterious customer investigation must face reality, and advance with the times.
The Li bald astute extroversion, according to the circumstance, can achieve success one way or another in front of the reality.
李光头精明外向, 随机应变, 在现实面前左右逢源。
He said yesterday that the wording used for the dissemination of Mao Zedong Thought should accord with reality lest it become untenable.
Such integration transposes the discrete reality of the dream into the reality of everyday life by making it an enclave within the latter.
这样的整合将融入于梦的片断实在, 成为日常生活的实在。
The Brahmans. qua experts in ultimate reality. succeeded to an astounding degree in impressing their definitions of reality upon society at large.
The grim reality of what had been created by the world's finest scientific minds could easily have predisposed the nation to abhor science and technology.