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单词 real 例句大全,用单词real造句:

The high precision and the ability of real time application were validated.
经验证, 算法满足精确性与实时性要求。
Property valuation, including real estate valuers and real estate assessor.
Metaphor is a real good liberation means to avoid the real through fantasy.
The virtual displacement is different from the real one during real motion.
I said no rhyme or reason, they have real ability to pass the test would do.
口说无凭, 得靠真本事通过考验才行。
Real Right Law Of Our Country Should Adopt Independence Theory Of Real Right
real study, true understanding, and genuinely believing and real application
真学, 真懂, 真信, 真用
The contract is the same as with real word objects in real world containers.
它会像现实世界中的实际容器一样 有相同的反应。
This had distorted the real impact of changes on the real remuneration base.
A Consideration on the Validity of the Real Right and the Right of Real Claim
There are infinitely many real numbers between any two distinct real numbers.
Real estate has become real estate left monetary policy weather vanes right ?
Real estate investment trusts real estate financing can start out predicament.
He has real elegance and a real intelligence that the reader is asked to admire.
Real Coefficient Quadratic Equations Formula of Root on Real Commutative Algebra
There was no real difference in childrens absenteeism among the schools, however.
至于三所小学的学童缺席率, 则无明显差异。
The concept of real property is the logical basis of the whole real property law.
Real Options Analysis of the Real Estate Development Under the Planar Uncertainty
Narcissistic dandies are the real embodiment of the aestheticism in the real life.
This fake vase is so real that I can't distinguish between the real from the fake.
这个花瓶仿制得太像了, 我都有点真伪莫辨了。
She looks like the real thing She tastes like the real thing My fake plastic love.
Real estate structure began to deteriorate next year will be real inflection point?
A full house, a real estate real estate intermediary to reporters Recommended Road.
And these would be real homework assignments for a real grade, with a real deadline.
而这些都是真正的家庭作业 有真正的成绩和截止日期
To me, the real ninja who becomes to abandon all emotions is a very difficult matter.
对我来说, 变成舍弃所有情感的真正忍者是很难的事。

单词 real 释义

  • 单词释义:真的;真实的,实际的;名副其实的;严肃的;十足的  [更多..]



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