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单词 realise 例句大全,用单词realise造句:

Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realise not!
他们想欺瞒真主和信士, 其实, 他们只是自欺, 却不觉悟。
He did not realise that Neville Chamberlain had a very hard core, and that he did not like being cheated.
他不知道内维尔张伯伦有一颗坚强的心, 不愿受人欺骗。
If you watch Bundesliga, you realise that Italian referees are much better than their German counterparts.
You could just snap out of it and realise that you just cant be happy in the state of mind that you are in.
Second, they did not realise that the HKSAR Government was far from the sitting duck they thought we were, he said.
如果你在北京, 去吃烤鸭是你最应该做的事情之一。
Talk of an ailing periphery has become so common in the EU that it takes a squint at a map to realise how odd it is.
What the British did not realise was that Washington simply did not have the gunpowder required to fire the cannons.
英国人不知道的是, 华盛顿根本没有火药发炮。
The rainbow should also cause us to realise that God will not continually tolerate wickedness and ungodliness upon the earth.
I realise I should not have married her and certainly should not have had children with her, but it's too late to change that.

单词 realise 释义

  • 单词释义:理解,意识到;获得;实现;发生;变卖  [更多..]



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