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单词 rack 例句大全,用单词rack造句:

Reason Analysis of Striking Moving Gear Rack for Bar Walking Beam Cooling Bed
3 bathroom rack clothe hung rack , toothbrush toothpaste holder , and pot hook.
A trophy rack a rack for baseball bats In the dugout a dryIng rack for laundry.
You rack your brain, trying to come up with a new topic, but your mind is blank.
你绞尽脑汁试图提出一个新话题, 但你脑袋里却是一片空白。
He fixed this rack himself. A lot of things can be put into it while he is biking.
Always on the bicycle to the training sessions with my sports bag on the back rack.
那时候, 我总是骑着自行车去训练, 把包放在后面的架子上。
Technical renovation of trash rack bar at water inlet of overflow dam in SHP station
Only a year ago, he was on the rack with a heroin addiction that began when he was 13.
Push back rack with moveable pallet holder along the rack. Dimensions can be specified.
A toothed rack was commonly adopted for the automatic screw thread rotational unloading.
This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back the rack the apex ball.
Programcontrolled switchboard hardware by SBC, backplane, plug boxes and rack components.
程控交换机硬件由单板, 背板, 插箱和机架组成。
The plating bath is stable and easy to control, it can substitute all rack plating chromium.
The utility model relates to a clothes rack, in particular to a rack for storing a brassiere.
The selfadhesive elastic bandage rack has the advantages of simple structure and convenient use.
The top cover has wire hole and lighting rack, facilitating arrangement of electrical appliances.
上盖有电线孔及照明架, 方便电器用品之配置。
This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back of the rack toward the apex ball.
The Safety Analysis and Checking Calculation of the Roof System Rack of the Auditorium of a Project
The pen rack for drawing is a drawing special pen rack used by engineering and technology personnel.
Using analysis and experimentation, the research on rack fatigue intensifying test for driving axle was made.
The biggest challenges for implementing green computing revolve around the server, the rack, and the datacenter.
Driving longitudinally to adopt gear, rack transmitting design, which ensures the stable movement of the machine.
Place the tile on the bottom rack in the oven, and preheat your oven while you make your dough and assemble the toppings.
准备好所需配料, 并在做生面团之前把烤炉加热。
The opening and closing angel of the cantilevers of the clothes rack can be regulated by a knob at the lower end of a hook.
Shoes and boots go right onto the waterproof mat laid out next to the wall, , and coats go on the coat rack behind the door.
鞋靴摆放在靠墙的防水垫上, 外套挂在门后。

单词 rack 释义

  • 单词释义:行李架;支架;刑架;(羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊  [更多..]



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