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单词 racing 例句大全,用单词racing造句:

Up the bank, through the bridge, running with the equipment, racing the sun.
上得岸来, 背着器材穿桥, 同太阳赛跑。
The racing driver was going too fast and he came to grief on the second bend.
The hairpin takes drivers lives even in ordinary time, quite apart from racing.
Why does Snell make my racing association upgrade to the newest Snell Standards
This racing is usually purely for entertainment, and betting is not part of it.
这赛跑纯粹是为了娱乐大众, 是没有下注这回事的。
Remote control racing. The latest section of the road racing. Jiapin good gifts.
Bicycle racing is potentially a dangerous activity, and that injuries can result.
自行车比赛是一项具有潜在危险的活动, 可能会有伤害发生。
Whether old or new artists artists are racing to the Spring Festival Evening Show.
无论老艺人还是新艺人, 都是争着上春晚。
A racing pulse and sweaty palms are well known as the signs of instant attraction.
众所周知, 心跳加速, 手心出汗是被瞬时吸引的标志。
Corvette Racing drivers have won a total of 13 ALMS class championships since 2002.
Found on the drag racing case, the dispute reflects the absence of our legal system.
对飙车案认定的争议, 反映了我国法律制度的缺失。
I one friend, game of computer racing bicycle is confused, but the level is not high.
我一朋友, 电脑赛车游戏迷, 但水平不高。
That just about sums up the influence Reg Kay has had on greyhound racing in Australia.
Back in 1893, auto racing was just beginning and it was a very different sort of sport.
Snow, ice and bitter cold are delaying travellers's racing to get home before Christmas.
Residents have appealed for more speed bumps in the tunnel to prevent racing from happening.
It has been successfully used in measuring angular displacement within paddle of racing boat.
Montoya said other aspects of the socalled pinnacle of motor racing also left him disillusioned.
Don't mention horse racing. He'll just blather about the subject for hours once he gets started.
The main part of a racing car to which the engine and suspension are attached is called the chassis.
一辆赛车的主要主体部分, 引擎和悬挂都安装于其上。
Software Description About Muscular Mustangs , This is an animated screen saver of a racing Mustang front end.
Starting from the next horse racing season, payouts for exotic bets will be set in accordance with the new rate.
Arrhythmias may cause you to feel premature heartbeats, or you may feel that your heart is racing or beating too slowly.
For the right to take on America's Cup holder Team New Zealand, challengers begin four months of elimination-series racing in the Louis Vuitton Cup.
Ed Baird, skipper of Young America had planned to pack an Uzi - but his plans were dashed when his US$ 5 million sloop split and nearly sank while racing the Japanese Nippon Challenge.

单词 racing 释义

  • 单词释义:速度比赛,赛跑,赛马,赛车等;竞赛  [更多..]



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