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单词 raffle 例句大全,用单词raffle造句:

Welcome, Xiniu! Xiniu, can you draw the raffle for us today
History Cleaner v6.12 Cfan Media wins FREE Web Design Raffle.
通过删除上网历史记录和使用过的文档, 保护你的隐私。
Buy lots of raffle ticket and multiply your chance of success.
多买彩票, 增加你中奖的机会。
Both gift coupons and a raffle will be used for the promotion.
赠券也罢, 抽奖也罢, 都是为了促销。
Hey, Carlos. Uh, here's the money for the church raffle! Thanks, Mike!
卡洛斯,这些钱是 教会抽彩券募集的善款,谢谢,麦克!
viral hooks sharing, gifting, daily raffle, inviting friends, like etc.
Those who donate will be entered into a raffle to win Suns merchandise.
After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told Id won the office raffle.
我失去工作以後, 听说我抽中了公司的奖券, 有同画饼。
After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told I'd won the office raffle.
After that a raffle draw was held and Owen was in charge to draw the winners.
Duties selling raffle tickets, directing guests, assisting fundraising and au.
Police are hunting a charity raffle promoter who vanished without handing out any prizes.
And the top 10 people with the most credits belong to the raffle of possible users to win.
Yeah. I cant learn it no matter how hard I tried. Wed better start the raffle drawing now.
In addition to the donation, the event committee will also prepare other surprises raffle.
The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday. The new church will be dedicated on Sunday.
Bryant even made an impromptu donation to the raffle after working out on his own for a few minutes.
Raffle ticket sales are not tax deductible. Receipts will only be issued for additional donations enclosed.
All ticket stubs should be returned to ORBIS by February 28th 2005 so that we can include them in the Raffle.
170 was raised through a raffle and donations for The Exotic Pet Refuge, at Deeping St James, near Peterborough.
有点不同寻常, 但孩子们过得很尽兴。
Selling charity raffle tickets is hard coaxing tycoons to pledge half their fortunes to philanthropy is near impossible.
做慈善是艰难的, 让富翁们捐助半数家产更是难于登天。

单词 raffle 释义

  • 单词释义:废物,垃圾;抽彩出售  [更多..]



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