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单词 shatter 例句大全,用单词shatter造句:

Witnesses saw the front wishield mysteriously shatter right before the crash.
With an iron rod you shall shepherd them, like a clay pot you will shatter them.
你必以铁杖将他们粉碎, 就如打破陶匠的瓦器。
War and injustice shatter the mosaic, which can only and actively pursuing peace.
Seeing the shatter of the flowers on the ground, a little bemoan feeling appeared.
Any idol can shatter your dreams and disillusion you but all the more so with guilt.
任何偶像能粉碎你的梦想且幻灭你, 但内疚罪恶感更是。
If played for long enough your minerals will shatter apart and fall in consciousness.
如果运作的时间够长的话, 你的矿石就将被粉碎而意识下跌。
We ran into some complications when we tried to shatter your kidney stone, Mr. Miller.
米勒先生, 当我们设法粉碎你的肾结石时产生了某些并发症。
We are a big family. It is disgusting that some people form cliques and shatter unity.
Shatter All the glass and some of the building shattered when the earthquake hit the city.
地震来袭的时候, 所有的玻璃和一些房屋都震碎了。
This requires a human form to ascend and choose preoccupations that no longer shatter soul.
Study on the Measurement of Coke Shatter Strength Identical with the international Standard
Rufus dreams of being a bear, and you want to shatter those dreams by saying hes just a dog
波涛连发梦也想做熊, 你竟然忍心粉碎牠的梦想?
A drop that could wash away the soil, rush down the building, even worst, shatter the dreams.
一滴水, 冲走了土地, 冲塌了楼房, 带走了他人的梦想。
Made by Nike. Suitable for all ages. Shatter resistant neoprene gasket. Single silicone strap.
Surely God will shatter the head of His enemies, The hairy crown of him who goes on in his guilty deeds.

单词 shatter 释义

  • 单词释义:使破碎,使碎裂,砸碎;使…成为泡影;使…痛不欲生;使…散开  [更多..]



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