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单词 set 例句大全,用单词set造句:

Applying a conception cut set, the definition of set ring is extened to an antimanifold ring.
利用下截集的概念, 将集环的定义推广到反集环。
64x64 dot matrix kaiti font set and data set of chinese ideograms for information interchange
and the swirl washing unit comprises a first swirl washing set and a second swirl washing set.
Unique media set identification number that identifies the media set containing the backup set.
Minimum Weight Vertex Covering Set and Maximum Weight Vertex Independent Set in a Bipartite Graph.
The set of frequent closed patterns uniquely determines the complete set of all frequent patterns.
The visual human data set is the fundamental data set for anatomical information of the human body.
Set up an ice bath. Place a medium bowl in the ice water and set a fine mesh strainer over the bowl.
准备一个冰盆, 冰盆上放一个碗, 碗上放一个细筛。
Perfect dominating set and efficient dominating set are two special kinds of dominating sets of graphs.
Set out to see myth in Western Europe from the explosive of Sung, set out from the judgment day of Sung.
从宋的火药出发看见了西欧神话, 从宋的末日出发。
The supporting set and the fuzzy set to be determined are used to describe the distribution of data set.
After choosing your feature set and letting the installation wizard work its magic, you're all set to go.
在选择了特性集并让安装向导发挥作用之后, 就准备开始了。
On finding the versatile solution of the least cut set and least path set in Fault Tree Analysis by computer
Set up the standard about product display and maintenance in store. Set up Auto CAD and Sketch Up sample system.
A batch version of this operation would contain an array of the set of inputs and an array of the set of outputs.
This configuration set is missing some required information and is not valid. Please recreate the configuration set.
由于缺乏必要信息, 该配置集无效。请重新创建配置集。
The early Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang set up at the emperor system after system set up to inherit the crown prince.
Under certain situation the equivalence of open set condition and strong open set condition are discussed in this paper.
Influence of the Operation Characteristics of a Steam Feed Pump Set on the Thermal Economical Efficiency of the Pump Set
When the generator set is paralleled, operation of this potentiometer will adjust the kW load assumed by the generator set.
Compartments Gears, Connectors, Crankers The work station is a perfect work and storage area for your gears set even the jumbo set.
Well, if we're going to speed up the progress and go even faster on the set of Millennium Development Goals that we're set as a world.
如果我们想加快 甚至缩短 我们千年发展目标的进程
To be familiar with all Banquet set up styles, that are used for functions in the Hotel. And be able to set up a function room accordingly.
Set the shape of an element This example demonstrates how to set the shape of an element. The element is clipped into this shape, and displayed.
Rash advance is wrong, failure to set up cooperatives when they can be set up is also wrong, and forcible dissolution of cooperatives even worse.

单词 set 释义

  • 单词释义:放,置;使处于;以…为背景;设置;安排,确定;树立,开创;指派;凝固;接骨;给…配乐;落(下)  [更多..]



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