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单词 serving 例句大全,用单词serving造句:

Serving as the ambassador for Beijing Olympics and Shanghai Expo could be part of that.
And in serving our God, and obeying God that is how human beings achieve true happiness.
for this hygienic reason, additional serving spoons or chopsticks may be made available.
此卫生原因, 更多的服务勺或筷子可以提供。
I will no longer allow myself to be railroaded into serving on the same committee again.
By serving as the rational face of an irrational administration, he had become its enabler.
I still cherish very good memories of working with you while serving as Ambassador in Vienna.
Young Ben Franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice half brother James.
Combine aloe vera, mint leaves and lemon grass water, according to taste, just before serving.
Sticking to Serving the People with Power, Establishing the Right View of Political Achievements
The other three fa? ades will comprise balconies and bay windows serving each of the apartments.
Belt driven air pump added. Chrome kangaroo bar in front serving double duty as air pressure tank.
皮带驱动式气泵安装, 适应加大得负荷。
Slowing growth in weekly earnings, now at 2. 5 per cent year on year, is another serving of angst.
At the same time accident database is established serving for statistic repot and accident analysis.
a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the army
On the organizational boarder and administrative power of the serving institutions of local government
Their first meeting was in the brig at Camp McIntyre while serving 30 days apiece for insubordination.
自由, 不是无代价的。
Effect of Temperature Adjusting and Moisture Serving on Summer Maize for Polythene Mulch and Straw Mulch
Another, Richard Gee, is serving as Senior Legal Advisor to the Chief Electoral Officer for Afghanistan.
Calculation and Analysis of Denitration Technology with Hydrocarbons and Ammonia Serving as a Reducing Agent
Serving truly Industrial Core Enterprises and Supporting Actively Construction of New Rural Area in Hubei Province
Tightening Activity Management of Agricultural Scientific Research and Better Serving Agricultural Scientific Research
Comparative Investigation into the System of Police Serving as a Witness at Court in Administrative Action and Criminal Action
Wouldn't it be better if, while serving his sentence, Joe was able to train his amygdala, which would stimulate the growth of new brain cells.
Take the initiative in serving the scientific and technological workers to enhance agglomerate and centripetal force of the association of science and technology
Shi Run Zhang Already Serve as an official at the beginning of QING dynasty, the point of view is complex, the gratitude and the fear, serving as an official and admiring Recluse.
施闰章既仕新朝, 心态复杂, 感激而恐惧, 应仕而慕隐。

单词 serving 释义

  • 单词释义:服务;(食物或饮料的)一份;上菜  [更多..]



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