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单词 sermon 例句大全,用单词sermon造句:

No doubt he identified the Christian ethical ideal with the Sermon on the Mount.
The sage's sermon suddenly cleared my view and made me understand many theories.
I fear that they had never seriously considered the real implications of the Sermon.
You are in church listening to the sermon, but secretly you are dancing in your head.
The final reading is drawn from one of the four Gospels and is followed by the sermon.
An interactive sermon might best be described as a combination sermon and Bible class.
A priest may say mass or preach a sermon about the significance of the birth of Christ.
When studying a sermon text, it is important to discover textually correct applications.
查考一段讲道经文时, 发掘符合经文的正确应用是很重要的。
I said in my last sermon here two weeks ago, we ve got to understand again what faith is.
She ended up in the teaching hall listening to the Buddha give a sermon to all the Sangha.
If you have two or three parts in your sermon, they should be generally balanced in length.
如果你的讲章有两到三个段落, 段落长度一般要平衡。
Does anybody happen to know what that comes out in Matthew, it's in the Sermon on the Mount?
Is there a balance between exposition and application, and between the major parts of the sermon
Also more emotional, and motivational portions of your sermon may be preached at a higher speed.
The sermon tried to chastise us with scorpions, hellfire abd brim stone. We were scared to death.
这篇说教用恐怖和酷刑折磨我们, 把我们吓得要死。
The sermon tried to chastise us with scorpions, hellfire and brim stone. We were scared to death.
The genres also vary, and include romance, Breton lai, sermon, beast fable, and fabliaux.
You may move to a higher tone of voice in sections of the sermon that contain a higher level of emotion.
The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep during the sermon.
The preacher has a great deal of freedom in choosing Scripture readings and a sermon text for confirmation.
During the course of the church year, there are festivals which naturally require a special festival sermon.
The doctrine sermon should still have exposition of the sermon text, and applications to the hearers lives.
And there was my aunt, all the time I was dressing, preaching and talking away just as if she was reading a sermon.
我在打扮, 舅母一直不住嘴地讲呀, 说呀, 好象是在传道似的。
After creating an outline for the sermon, the preacher needs to develop and expand the ideas contained in the outline.
为讲章拟定好大纲后, 传道人需要展开和延伸大纲纲领。
He should begin by incorporating information from his exegetical study of the sermon text into the exposition portions of the sermon.

单词 sermon 释义

  • 单词释义:布道;讲道;讲道文章;一大通教训  [更多..]



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