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单词 sharpener 例句大全,用单词sharpener造句:

My body has a pencil sharpener, ruler and other stationery, as well as a curriculum it.
He filled his writing case with all kinds of stationery, even including a pencil sharpener.
The pencil sharpener is a tool which can sharpen a pencil along the axial direction of the pencil.
The utility model relates to a pencil sharpener which belongs to a specific tool for sharpening a pencil.
铅笔专用刨刀, 属于削铅笔的专用工具。
Description Liners go on easier with a sharp pencil. Use this sharpener for both traditional liners and jumbo pencils.
When provided with a pencil sharpener and inserted with an eraser, the pen holding mould can be used more conveniently.
若还安装有卷笔刀, 插装有橡皮擦, 使用还会更加方便。
The utility model which is composed of a cavity box body, a sharpener blade, a guiding groove, etc., is provided with a wood dust storing position.

单词 sharpener 释义

  • 单词释义:卷笔刀;磨床;磨器;磨具  [更多..]



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