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单词 selected 例句大全,用单词selected造句:

acquire nutrients more successfully, invade the body, they'll be selected for by evolution.
更好的吸收营养 侵入机体 他们则被自然保留
Selected techniques and therapeutic effects of acquired blepharoptosis after blepharoplasty
Based on these reasons, the optional variety was selected to adapt to the regional climate.
根据这些规律, 可选栽适合当地气候特点的玉米品种。
Select site. If finger is selected, remove fingernail polish with acetone or polish remover.
Succeeding and developing the most advanced academic thoughts in the selected academic field.
In this thesis, turnover rate and abnormal returns are selected from the same accounting year.
Selected concerts must be under mutual agreement between the Club Maestro member and the HKPO.
The Office will continue to participate actively in selected meetings organized by the Division.
The specification of the board and the size of the hasp can be selected according to requirements.
In this paper, a new repairable model is advanced in which the repairmen can be selected randomly.
Observation and Screening of Selected Accessions of Jute under Different Treatments of Photoperiod.
The mechanism of deactivation is analyzed. According to the mechanism several activators are selected.
Sense of Coherence and Selected Influencing Factors among Hospitalized Adolescents with Chronic Illness
Adding fuel to the third round I was selected abstained player lost the equivalent of half a game of chess.
The potential adjusting parameters are selected to make the calculated energy band close to experimental results.
Some selected granular and powdered activated carbon products provide an effective solution for taste and odor removal.
Single selected vertices which do not belong to selected edges are duplicated and a new edge is created between the two.
如果选择点, 那么他将在新点与原始点之间生成边。
Fatty acid with higher content acid should be selected as collector of phosphorite ore when flotation temperature was relatively low.
The competition was extremely fierce and only the students with exceptional academic performance and personal qualities could be selected.
名额竞争激烈, 学校选送的都是品学兼优的学生。
The money will go directly from Barefoot Foundation to those South African schools that are selected to receive funding from this campaign.
Personnel in the fields of science,technology,administration and business management will be selected to further study in foreign countries.
Efficacy of Treating Agrypnia by Scraping on Selected Acupoint by Differentiating Symptoms and Signs in Combination with Accommodating Emotion
Treatment of 38 Climacteric Syndrome Patients by Acupuncture of Points Selected on the Basis of Syndrome Differentiation plus Oral Administration of Chinese Herbs
Her spirits were raised when she heard that she had been selected for interview for the job of assistant managbeen selected for interview for the job of assistant manager.
In the past a Devil's Advocate had the task of arguing the case against a person's promotion to sainthood, thus ensuring that only those candidates whose cases were very strong would be selected.

单词 selected 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.经由选择的,挑选的  [更多..]



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