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单词 seventeen 例句大全,用单词seventeen造句:

This reminds me of what happened in Paris when I was seventeen or eighteen.
Sitting under the tree was a charming girl aged about seventeen or eighteen.
She was seventeen. She was four years older than I and I'd always admired her.
她十七岁, 比我大四岁, 我很喜欢她。
What else can a strapping chap of twentyone mean with a fine wench of seventeen
The treatment was not able to save fifteen of the seventeen patients in the study.
Maidan, then seventeen, was sold, taken to England and put to steeple chase racing.
Zhenguan seventeen years waste concept of state,a high transfer of bow in Changzhou.
贞观十七年 废观州,弓高改隶于沧州。
Seventeen YearsLiterature How Could It Enter Contemporary Chinese Literature History.
A young fellow turned seventeen and still wasting your time on such nonsense as this!
十七八岁的孩子, 还干这些没出息的玩意儿!
In seventeen sixtythree, Spain gave up its claim to Florida. The British took control.
在1763年, 西班牙放弃了佛罗里达, 英国人获得了控制权。
Jesus edge walks along an edge to lose, peter bent a waist awkwardly 8 times seventeen.
He examined seventeen speciments in his own collection, and not one had even a relic left.
他曾就所采集的17个标本加以检查, 没有一个留有一点痕迹。
A lifetime of having to live my life differently than I have for the past seventeen years.
In ninteen eighty, seventeen percent of official development assistance went to agriculture.
一九八零年, 百分之十七的官方发展援助用在了农业上。
The United States also urged seventeen of the thirty States not Party to join the Convention.
Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.
He had become seventeen years old, and a sensitive and sheepish heart was pulsing in his chest.
Debbie is the black sheep of the family, having left home at seventeen to live with her boyfriend.
And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.
Aren't you but fifteen? asked Jo, looking at the tall lad, whom she had imagined seventeen already.
The seventeen judges were also asked about the ease of understanding and the sensibility of the approach.
Young man liked him, seventeen or eighteen years old, was the very age of consuming large quantity of food.
The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the United States seventeen years after the October Revolution.
苏联跟美国建交, 是在十月革命之后十七年。
A few years ago a commission established by Congress called for a goal of one million a year by two thousand seventeen.
And seventeen belonged to the small, freakish subset of people who claim they are still madly in love after years of marriage.

单词 seventeen 释义

  • 单词释义:十七(个);十七  [更多..]



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