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单词 seem 例句大全,用单词seem造句:

leadership does not seem to be adequate to the unprecedented challenges of the age.
One reason was that it did not seem possible because of the lack of access to capital.
Many studies seem to show that too much sugar in the body can actually aggravate acne.
许多研究似乎表明, 太多的糖在体内可加重痤疮。
Why do women seem to be ascending in academia more easily than in the corporate world ?
Those memories accumulated in the past three years seem to leap up vividly by the eyes.
They seem to have never been formally say goodbye. Every time, are absolutely different.
We seem to paid for the bill in accordance with the time when made the original contract.
We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.
Beauty abounds in the black clouds that seem to pay homage to Table Mountain at all times.
IN THE poor world, elections often seem to be accompanied by violence, civil war or worse.
Seem to without white snow, all the prospected of the Christmases all seem to be so funny.
Surely, you see the actual world as it surrounds you. You seem to behave quite normally!
There is a dull pain in the lower part of my abdomen and I seem to have a slight temperature.
我下腹部闷痛, 而且好像有点发烧。
In other words, your position in life comes to seem not accidental, but merited and deserved.
换句话说,你在社会的地位不是偶然 而都是你配得的
I like the subtle flow of cloud those dos the sky seem even abundance vast, azure and immense.
我喜爱天空中那淡淡的云, 它将天空衬的更高更蓝更宽。
There does not seem to be sufficient memory available to install additional crypto components.
She is not accustomed to the climate of new places, and so doesn't seem fit for business trips.
But Guatemalans, accustomed to the dangers of living, seem to take the journey in their stride.
Some recent commentators do not seem to have adequately grasped the motivation of this word, however.
Finally, European governments seem to be competing to carry out the most drastic fiscal adjustment.
Today young people seem to be anxious to acquire useful knowledge to the exclusion of everything else.
当今年青人似乎急于获得有用的知识, 而摒除其他一切。
The redwoods seem to belong on those coastal hills, and the alligators seem to belong in those plains.
There does at least seem to be some official acknowledgment that the current situation is unacceptable.
至少官方开始承认, 目前的做法是不可接受的。
Additional controlled clinical trials seem justified which may strengthen the power of the metaanalyses.
That would mitigate the need for administrative measures that seem to lurch from stimulative to contractionary.

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