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单词 scope 例句大全,用单词scope造句:

Both belong to the scope of simple obesity, but also belong to the scope of primary dysmenorrhea.
The employer shall be liable to the actual builder within the scope of outstanding project prices.
It was also agreed that the scope of paragraph should be restricted to maritime performing parties.
The scope of oncology social work includes clinical practice, education, administration and research.
Therefore, the recon struction of scope of accepting cases of administrative litigation is imperative.
Second part, Concentrate on analyzing the scope of accepting cases with civil action of administration.
The scope of commodities eligible for duty exemption shall be expanded to increase imports from Africa.
扩大免税商品范围, 增加非洲商品进口。
Scopes nest. For example, names declared at global scope are accessible in function and statement scope.
作用域可嵌套。例如, 在全局作用域中声明的名字在函数作用?
First exploration into the academic position and the research scope of the study of policing facing battles
The concrete use density may nimbly adjust voluntarily, May according to the actual situation in above scope.
and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and mom for self-improvement.
Residents find it to be comprehensive in its scope and practitioners believe in its practical clinical advice.
Season, recording the seasonal section of order books, mostly in the scope of today's agricultural meteorology.
The scope of accepting administrative cases is an important question administrative lawsuit theory and practice.
Scope of Agreement. This Agreement governs Confidential Information disclosed during the term of this Agreement.
The Impact of Statistical Scope Adjustment on the Census Population of Cities and Towns and the Relevant Revision
Finally, expound the concrete suggestion on enlarging the case scope of our country administrative procedure law.
The scope of application and amount of the additional deduction for expenses shall Be regulated by the State Council.
Give Scope to the Advantage of the United Front in Universities and Try Our Best to Construct Harmonious Universities
Advantage of the algorithm is that scope of generating new nodes is small, and concept lattice is quickly constructed.
此算法的优点是生成新节点的范围小, 构建概念格的速度快。
Administrative litigation plaintiff qualification is a lower jurisprudence than the scope of administrative litigation.
Scope of Adducing Evidence and Way of Obtaining Evidence for Both Patients and Medical Care Providers in Medical Lawsuit
The companys business scope shall be prescribed by its articles of association and be registered in accordance with the law.
This paper suggests building administrative appeal system, and expands the scope of acceptable cases of administrative reconsideration.
the range of a supersonic jet the ambit of municipal legislation within the compass of this article within the scope of an investigation outside the reach of the law in the political orbit of a world power.

单词 scope 释义

  • 单词释义:(处理、研究事务的)范围;眼界,见识;(活动或能力的)余地;广袤,地域  [更多..]



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