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单词 say 例句大全,用单词say造句:

I dare say he wouldnt say no to a brandy. I want one too.
我想他是会乐意接受一杯白兰地的, 我也想来一杯。
Right? It's a fun word to say, and I get to say it a lot.
Some say we can't afford to. I say we can't afford not to.
It is not what he say that annoy me but the way he say it.
Therefore, be honest and say what you want to say clearly.
Say their stage fright, it is better to say no confidence.
以其说怯场, 不如说不自信。
It is not about how much you say, it is about what you say.
并不在于你多能说, 而是你说什么。
You never say it directly, but in indirect ways you say it.
Did did you say anything to her? Did she say anything to you?
And in Arabic, to say no, we say no, and a thousand times no.
Every word I say to you, I say it from the bottom of my heart!
If you have anything to say, say it. don't beat about the bush.
What did I say about. No one gives a crap what you have to say.
You may say That sounds awesome!but many other players say Yech.
Interestingly enough, my customers say yes. My customers say yes.
有趣多了, 我得客户这么说。按客户得说法是肯定得。
Say forever to say who will not change reflected the childish boy.
A shopkeeper would say he sold footwear we would say he sold shoes.
鞋店老板会说他卖鞋袜用品, 我们则说他卖鞋子。
And again, I don't say it's good, I just say it's not boring, right?
Some people say that sea bass fishing is only at night, I say its wrong
有的人说, 海鲈只是晚上比较好钓, 我说也不一定的
Mr. Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.
Now in America victor, we don't say national day, we say independence day.
在美国呢, 这一天就被叫做独立日。
Let them say that man was created by God, we say man evolved from the ape.
I disapprove what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.
我不同意你说的话, 但是我誓死捍卫你说话的权力。
Did I say that I loathe you? Did I say that I want to leave it all behind?
If the Black Abbot gave you an offer to join his forces, what would you say
如果黑暗修士邀你加入他的阵营, 你怎么回答?

单词 say 释义

  • 单词释义:说, 讲;表明,宣称;假设;约莫  [更多..]



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