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单词 sector 例句大全,用单词sector造句:

Women who work in the informal sector and do not have social security accounts are also not covered.
In the public sector, employment in administration and education has also been gradually increasing.
Part three legal principles adopted in the system of antitrust exemption for the agricultural sector.
The Lump Sum Grant is now the mainstream subvention system and is well accepted by the welfare sector.
整笔拨款安排现已成为主流的资助方式, 广为福利界所接受。
In the education sector, universal access has already been achieved at the primary and secondary levels.
在教育部门, 已实现初级和中级教育的普及。
Sector targetsare negotiated between the industry sector association and the Ministry of Economic Affairs
A separate and adequate budget for the justice sector should be allocated, and disbursed in a timely manner.
Part two analysis on the antitrust exemption for the agricultural sector in European and American countries.
Innovate and Improve the Organization Activities of CPC of Administration Sector in Colleges and Universities
But Vietnam's agricultural sector is not limited to residual farming on family plots for domestic consumption.
然而, 越南的农业并不局限于小农生产和国内消费。
The steps taken by the Government have helped to revitalize agriculture and increase production in the sector.
Only the affluent countries have been able to organize such entities, both in the public and the private sector.
Part four our present situation and improvement of the system of antitrust exemption for the agricultural sector.
The agricultural sector should promote advantages and abolish disadvantages and strive for more gains and less pains.
The computer technology will be widely used in the Shanghais commercial sector to accelerate its electronicalization.
The living standard is high, you have very strong services, a leading financial sector, and a dynamic creative sector.
The axial third order aberration coefficients of an inhomogeneous magnetic sector field are derived for the first time.
Acting on the hunch, I dumped my meager life savings about 9, 000 into the rareearths sector, and waited for the payoff.
于是凭直觉, 我用我可怜的积蓄买了稀土股, 等待回报。
At the same time, we allow a small private sector to develop, we absorb foreign capital and introduce advanced technology.
同时, 发展一点个体经济, 吸收外国的资金和技术。
The Private Sector of Finance in Shanghai and the Movement against the Three Evils and the Movement against the Five Evils
It is nongovernmental and tripartite in nature, comprising members from the government, the business sector and the academia.
The state sector of the economy went through accelerated restructuring, and markedly enhanced its dominance and competitiveness.
国有经济结构调整步伐加快, 控制力和竞争力明显增强。
The responsibilities and role of the business sector in respecting and promoting human rights are being progressively acknowledged.
The guidelines were launched in 2003 under the aegis of the International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of the World Bank.
该原则是在国际金融公司的倡导下, 于2003年正式推出的。
We should accelerate the development of the modern service sector and raise the proportion of the tertiary industry in the national economy.

单词 sector 释义

  • 单词释义:部门;领域;防御地区;扇形  [更多..]



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