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单词 second 例句大全,用单词second造句:

In the Second chapter, this paper analyzes the influence of absence of personal credit on economy.
The second reasons is the Second Edition of the Serfdom which made the economy of Poland backward.
A centimeter gram second unit of dynamic viscosity equal to one Dyne second per square centimeter.
The second and more recent sense of the word art is as an abbreviation for creative art or fine art.
The lower abdomen of the second patient was caught between the counterweight of a bridge and a wall.
The second phase cofferdam is an important retaining structure during second phase diversion period.
Clinical analysis of 66 women undergoing induced abortion of second gestation after caesarean section
Case of complete absorption of the second molar distal root caused by impacted wisdom tooth in maddibula
Happiness is the establishment on the sand dune castle, on one second brilliance!Next second destruction!
Ghost ninja simulator is the second series is another great fishing for, the picture is more abundant fun!
鬼忍者模拟机是继捕鱼机系列又一大力作, 画面更丰富好玩!
In the second interview, they may ask behavioral questions, which are commonly asked in second interviews.
Clinical analysis of40 cases of appplication of bromo geramine to abortion during second trimester pregnancy
The Second Discussion on the Hot Box Misreporting of the Second Generation Equipment Caused by Direct Sunlight
January Like a robe wears out over time and turns to rags, life wears out from day to day, from second to second.
Application of mifepristone plus misoprotol for induced abortion of the first and the second trimester of pregnancy
Second, governments should abolish exclusive partnerships between their post office and the money, transfer company.
其次,政府应该要取消 邮局和特定業者的垄断合作。
It is imperative to oppose the second policy, to reject the second set of measures and to avert the second perspective.
一定要反对第二种方针, 反对第二套办法, 避免第二个前途。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of standardized ultrasound screening for fetal abnormality in second trimester.
On the twentieth day of the second month of the second year, the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle of the Testimony.
第二年二月二十日, 云彩从法柜得帐幕收上去。
Communication of the second frames uses a second frequency band that at least partially overlaps the first frequency band.
The clinical observation of abnormal blood supply in hepatocellular carcinoma with intermittent second harmonic contrast imaging
Look at Recovery and Release of Absconding Debts in Late Tang Dynasty From Southern Outskirts Remission in Second Year of Qianfu
Objective To investigate the relationship between abnormal fetal heart and the neonatal prognosis during the second birth process.
Second, avoid absorbing empty cavity of womb and carefully observe abradant things of artificial abortion while diagnosing premature pregnancy.
Today, as increasing numbers of disaffected Bangkok residents abandon the chaotic capital for the relative serenity of the north, the country's second-largest city is enjoying a mini renaissance.

单词 second 释义

  • 单词释义: 第二(的);另外的  [更多..]



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