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单词 scenic 例句大全,用单词scenic造句:

Head office is located in the scenic southern bank of Qiantang River in Hangzhou.
Considerations on several questions in planning design of scenic belt along river
The Appreciation of the Three Subjects on the Scenic Pavilions in the Summer Resort
The central view tower is both the exhibition hall and scenic center of the campus.
The dynamics of the scenic forest of the Zijin Mountain and the management concerned
Each is printing an attractive girl, the background is the Xihu scenic spot directly.
每张正面印着一个漂亮女孩, 背景是西湖景点。
Exploration into the aesthetic value of antithetic couplets in the tourism scenic spots
Just fancy that I have neglected to visit even Tao Ran Ting, a local scenic attraction!
以名胜说, 我没到过陶然亭, 这多可笑!
If there is a chance, I will go to Mount Tai to visit the wonderful scenic spots there.
Climbed a hill for a scenic panorama of the valley a scenic drive along the crater rim.
One feature of this scenic spot is the large amount of jagged rocks in grotesque shapes.
ZHANG Shuo's Cultural Psychology of Relegation and Aesthetic Pursuit in His Scenic Poems.
Begin with a scenic airplane tour over beautiful Lake Mead and the incredible Hoover Dam.
A Comparative Study of the Development of Xiang River Scenic Belt and Rhine River Scenic Belt
The castle originally known as Lisbon Castle also offers a scenic view of the country's capital.
The landscapes in Huangshan scenic spot are a result of the concerted action of manifold factors.
Potential Suitability Assessment of Invasive Alien Species to the Scenic Forests in Zijin Mountain
The attractive scenic spots and historic sites make foreign tourists linger on and forget to return.
The scenic byways bears multiple functions like traffic, landscape, recreation, ecology and protection.
on the condition that the number of scenic spots to be visited are not reduced, the travel can be adjusted.
在保证景点不减少情况下, 可对行程进行调整。
The influence on the cultural consciousness of local residents by opening the scenic spot of Xiangzhi Gullet.
We continued our select coastal journey in Fujian, which boasts scenic beauty and a brilliant cultural tradition.
我们在风光秀美, 文化灿烂的福建继续海疆精华之旅。
With clear water and willow trees along the bank, it is the most popular tourist scenic spot with residents of Qingzhou.
碧波粼粼, 堤柳成荫, 是青州人喜爱的一处胜景。
Of the many scenic attractions of Kunming, the one most noteworthy is the Western Hills lying on the west bank of Lake Dian
For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback!

单词 scenic 释义

  • 单词释义:风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧性的;布景的,背景的  [更多..]



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