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单词 orgy 例句大全,用单词orgy造句:

Trades that sat in opposition to the orgy of money printing by the Fed.
Environmentalists looking on this orgy of consumption can only be appalled.
This orgy of spending and enormous deficits you voted for almost all of his budgets.
At least 100, 000 civilians have already been killed in an orgy of sectarian killing.
The Boxer episode is commonly portrayed in the West as an orgy of antiforeign violence.
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The murder set off an orgy of slaughter and cruelty so extreme that it defied description or understanding.
这一谋杀引发的如此肆意的屠戮和凶残, 罄竹难书。
Yet again, there is a limited pool of people with the skills and qualifications to manage such an orgy of fundraising.
a midnight meeting of witches to practice witchcraft and sorcery in the Middle Ages it was supposed to be a demonic orgy.
We do not know but apparently Queen Vashti had a good idea of what going into the atmosphere of that orgy would mean to her and she refused to go anywhere near it.
于是, 她拒绝前往那里。

单词 orgy 释义

  • 单词释义:狂欢;放荡;(秘密举行的)酒神节  [更多..]



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