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单词 orb 例句大全,用单词orb造句:

Late August Saturn Neptune opposition goes inside a two degree orb.
You can switch orbs in the Orb Slinger with the right mouse button.
游戏结构和大多数同类作品类似, 珠子的出现以分组进行。
The central orb structure of this spiders web is about three feet wide.
A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis.
Once the orb is in its holder, get him to follow you by getting near him.
一旦能量石归位, 通过接近他让他跟着你。
I have 58 Magister, 38 Sorcerer, Orb of the Darkmoon, and 2 Freezing Band.
我有58硕士, 38魔法, 在暗月天体和2冻结带。
Golden orb weavers large, strong webs have ensnared prey as large as birds.
An orange and tan spider with darkly banded legs that spins an orb web daily.
Combine that with a big base damage and you have a perfect synergy with his orb.
Dusknoir That Grovyle! He fled using that flash from that Luminous Orb as cover!
The orb will bounce off the sides of the player screen, and exit the screen at the bottom.
这个球碰到画面两边会弹开, 最终消失在画面底部。
The moon's round orb would shine high in the sky, casting its velvety light on everything.
The ORB could be made in two colors, black and white, with different colors for the time lines.
The dung beetle is painted in the red orb. It identifies the seated figure as the god of the morning sun, Khepri.

单词 orb 释义

  • 单词释义:n.球,天体,圆形物;vt.弄圆,成球形,围着,;vi.<古>沿着轨道移动  [更多..]



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