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单词 optimistic 例句大全,用单词optimistic造句:

you are in control of your attitude every morning, keep it optimistic and expectant.
充满期待, 满怀乐观, 每天早晨你都掌控著你的态度。
But for the U.S. current stage of Guosen Securities adopt a more optimistic attitude.
但对于美股目前所处的阶段, 国信证券持较乐观态度。
By the beginning of the next century, the situation will have become less optimistic.
His personality of confidence, calm, optimistic and indifference makes him outstanding.
Krones remains cautiously optimistic of sustained success in the ongoing business year.
克朗斯公司保持乐观, 看好下半年的业绩。
Most of the teachers are not optimistic about the future of the campus collective dance.
When confronted with difficulties, we should be optimistic, and advance against hardship.
We are cautiously optimistic that the tilting and distortion of the aerogel were minimal.
And A Lan not only grow beautifully, disposition is optimistic and lively, and very able.
而且阿兰不但长得漂亮, 性格开朗活泼, 而且非常能干。
According to a latest poll, Americans are optimistic about the second Bush Administration.
根据最新的民意调查, 美国人对第二届布什政府持乐观态度。
Third, the brokerage unit yesterday afternoon after the blowout also relatively optimistic.
You naturally will form the optimistic point of view, joyful forever will accompany with you!
Because this is kill two birds with one stone of affair, I do with optimistic things to face.
因为这是两全其美的事情, 我呢就用乐观的事情来面对。
Her optimistic opinions are typical of the mental attitude of the majority towards this move.
You're pathologically optimistic and with that comes this amazing sense of wanting to be free.
你的乐观超乎寻常, 而且伴随着一种极度想要自由的渴望。
No doubt that he fails in the end. However, Mr. Bean still stays optimistic, as he always does.
Better to believe the worst, and be pleasantly surprised, than to be optimistic and learn the worst
The survey shows that most entrepreneurs are cautiously optimistic about the future of their business.
根据调查, 大多数企业家对公司的发展前景持谨慎乐观态度。
but the attitude toward bad news earnings forecast tends to be less pessimistic or relatively optimistic.
Beneath my optimistic surface, I am really an introvert and very kind person.Yet, I am honest and sincere.
我是个外表开朗, 内心内向的人, 但是我善良, 真诚!
The happy sentiment singer's love song, sad actually fills with the anticipation which loves and optimistic.
In the conclusion, the author expresses the optimistic and prudent attitude to environmental public interest action.
The most valuable thing in our life is that we should adopt an optimistic, sanguine, magnanimous attitude towards life.
It is normal to have various obstacles during one's life and people should have a positive and optimistic attitude towards them.
Optimistic, cheerful personality, be well in cooperating with others, motivated working attitude, strong sense of responsibility.

单词 optimistic 释义



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