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单词 old 例句大全,用单词old造句:

The elderly lady lived until 90 years old, and died in bed of old age.
The ar three faithful friend an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.
忠实的朋友有三老妻, 老狗, 现款。
So I bought old machines and renovated the old machines to bake bread.
I will never give in to old age until become old. And I'm not old yet!
Remove the old faucet and scrape any old putty or caulk from the basin.
There are pictures of Bay when she was four years old, eight years old.
The old lady's cottage is old, and rain water is spattering on her bed.
这位老太太得沁屋子旧了, 雨水都滴到床上了。
Until We Come to No Old Age and Death and No Ending of Old Age and Death.
乃至无老死, 亦无老死尽。
That old box will collapse and fall apart before old Luke calls it quits.
Old people are complaining that the old ethical values are withering away.
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. An old dog cannot learn new tricks.
But the Westerners always try to keep their old castles as old as possible.
The more the old bathhouse and Vietnam may have to find a little old master.
越是老得澡堂越可能有, 找老一点得师傅。
The room was furnished with some old tables, a blackboard, and an old stove.
这间房子里有一些旧桌子, 一块黑板和一个旧得火炉。
Old city gate Tall and firm old city gate seems to be grand as it used to be.
My father sells old pictures, furniture, old clocks and watches, and so forth.
我父亲卖旧画, 旧家具, 旧钟表等等。
Obama used an old fashioned approach to lay out a new plan to an old adversary.
Very impressionable bullcalf, Mouth contain 2 old tooths, age a years old half.
Forget it, old woman die first lonely old man will be at the corner of the city.
You collect old furniture, old cars, old pictures, everything old but old people.
你们收集老的家具, 老爷车, 古老的油画但就不包括老年人。
Nobody grows old merely by a number of years, we grow old by deserting our ideals.
二十后生有之, 六旬男子则更多见。
It is said that one can not live according to the old almanac, so forget old debts.
Old because are too many different styles of the old buildings, such as the arcade.
古老是因为有太多风格各异的旧建筑, 比如骑楼。
It's about perfecting something old, and bringing something old into the 19st century.
把老東西變得更完美 把老東西帶入21世紀
Third incidence of poverty to the old age female is old age masculine two times nearly.

单词 old 释义

  • 单词释义:(多少)岁;年纪大的;陈旧的,古老的;从前的;(用于指称被替代的东西) 原来的;结识久的;(表示亲昵)老…  [更多..]



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