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单词 onus 例句大全,用单词onus造句:

The onus is on the applicant to satisfy the officer of claimed language proficiency.
Iniquitates meae supergressae caput meum, obvolunt me et sicut onus grave, grvant me.
我的不义冲上我的头, 压抑着我, 负重般将我压弯。
If there is a prosecution the onus will normally be on the prosecutor to prove the case.
如果有起诉, 通常起诉人有证明案情的责任。
Pakistan therefore cannot accept the onus of controlling that long and difficult border.
因此, 巴基斯坦无法接受控制这条漫长和艰险的边界的任务。
The onus is on government departments to show cause why information cannot be disclosed.
What you said last night has put the fat in the fire. We have the audience down onus now.
The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description.
The onus will be on those who plan to attend to explain why they think it is appropriate to do so.
Under the new arrangement, the onus would be placed on importers to prove they were not dumping.
Nursing records are very important in coping with the inversionof onus probandi in medical tort lawsuit.
The onus is on them to come up with a declaration that satisfies the other members of the sixparty talks.
The Problems and the Preventive Measures for the Performance of Onus Proof Conversion in Medical Litigation
In other words, the onus should be on consumers to protect themselves, not on companies to protect consumers.
换句话说, 消费者应该自我保护, 而不是让商家保护他们。
The onus is on the applicant to corroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application.
However, the onus is on the developer to embed a collection of unsightly HTML tags within the Java source code comments.
解说责任, 义务。
The strong vires takes the witnessing onus of the certificate sin shares with verify the standard should have the ad hoc stipulation.

单词 onus 释义

  • 单词释义:<正>责任,义务;负担,重担  [更多..]



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