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单词 oneself 例句大全,用单词oneself造句:

In maintain assign an instrument oneself, abound gardens landscape, raise afforest level.
在保持自布置手段, 丰富园林景观, 提高绿化水平。
However, thoroughly expel high speed hour accelerate to turn off by oneself of breakdown.
We cannot exile oneself in monotonous, Cannot let submerge mediocrely oneself, In no way!
我们不能把自己流放在单调中, 不能让平庸淹没自己, 决不!
In order to achieve the highest end of a good life, it is not enough to just pamper oneself.
为了达到好生活的最高点, 仅仅满足自已的欲望是不够的。
Otherwise if, hard to avoid has justify oneself, the ill will of exaggerated absurd argument.
Dream any of story, let small ny academic association how treat to cherish oneself of person!
Can absorption in that way like the Gates of Microsoft oneself consider or oneself foundation
Because nobody accompanies me to practice, therefore I practice on an oneself person to serve.
因为没有人陪我练, 所以我就自己一个人练习发球。
The core that how develops enterprise party leads action, seek site of accurate exert oneself.
如何发挥企业党的核心领导作用, 找准着力点。
If eat the gruel for the povertystricken person, that accumulates virtue for oneself even more.
如果把粥送给穷苦的人吃, 那更是为自己积德。
Let oneself become a campus cleaner, let oneself become a person who keeps discipline of campus.
让自己成为一名校园清洁工, 让自己成为一名校园守纪者。
Krishnamurti It is so easy to deceive oneself, so easy to convince oneself of anything at all.
The crime of offending correspondence freedom should be installed the crime of accusing by oneself.
Use thumb to keep selfs hand on accommodate oneself to but relaxed usage of small switch place button.
Oneself male, prepare to enter oneself for an examination2009 the graduate student of Wuhan university.
Oneself male, prepare to enter oneself for an examination2011 the graduate student of Wuhan university.
Book century writing is swung everywhere, study by oneself in scheduled time in the evening absquatulate.
书本世纪笔墨到处甩, 晚上自习开小差。
Discover oneself limitation, admit oneself limitation, always come well than be being importuned blindly.
发现自己的局限性, 接纳自己的局限性, 总比一味强求来得好。
Accrual of Baidu network advertisement is distinguished, but few to the advertisement investment of oneself.
The number on accountant proof is to be searched in the future convenient, oneself have an authorized strength.
Ovine broach heart thinks The girl may be interesting to oneself, cant help of psychological very pleased with oneself.
羊叉子心想姑娘可能对自己有意思, 不禁心理美滋滋的。
Evading the shadow of oneself in shade is a sneer at an abnormal state sufferer, not even comparison with the researcher.
It is an instrumental approach to acquaint oneself with the culture of the target language in second language acquisition.
在二语习得中, 阅读是了解目标语言文化的重要途径。
Same, it is easier to still study accountant evidence directly. Enter oneself for an examination to door of Ministry of finance.
Clap diplococcus returns the recrudesce of former to trachoma garment put oneself in anothers position to rise to accelerate effect.

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