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单词 once 例句大全,用单词once造句:

Once again Tshombe accepted the plan and once again stalled on its execution.
I mean, Europe once, of course, once commanded the future in it's confidence.
当然,我指欧洲曾自信地 引领未来。
Once you're there, stay absolutely quiet until you are sure that the coast is clear.
Once publish,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.
The order form headquarter sends out an once, arranges a handbook to repeat once more.
订单部发一次, 安排手册再转发一次。
When they came to my humble abode once again, my affection towards them did not change.
Gastronintestinal digestion function abate children once again can not excessive edible.
Unusual scenes were playing out today at a once luxury hotel overlooking Abidjan lagoon.
Once published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.
他的作品一出版, 就因其每一行的结尾不押韵而出名。
Aborigines and their liberal white supporters once marched together to demand their rights.
What once looked unwearable now seems ordinary, and what once seemed banal now looks right.
曾经似乎老套的衣服, 现在看来很合适。
Ardan was about to propose abandoning this useless pursuit, when all at once Maston stopped.
Once Buddist apologetics was run between an abbot and him, both of whom were at zazen on pads.
一次与方丈辩经, 两人坐于团垫之上, 相论许久。
I've never once drunk alcohol, smoked ever a puffa cigarette, and never even once taken drugs.
我没有喝过一滴酒, 抽过一个烟头, 吸过一次毒。
Since 3 duration, the day after every molted silkworm, once a day or once every other one day.
Once the force of the leg is abate, the person falls easily, bring about all ones life even bedfast.
腿的力量一旦减弱, 人就容易跌倒, 甚至导致一辈子卧床不起。
But once again, science gives at least partial credence to something that was once considered only a myth.
It is better to post once per week on a consistent basis than once per day and then nothing for a week after.
I have said more than once that stability is of overriding importance and that we cannot abandon the peoples democratic dictatorship.
我不止一次讲过, 稳定压倒一切, 人民民主专政不能丢。
The abandonment shall not be attached with any conditions. Once the abandonment is accepted by the insurer, it shall not be withdrawn.
委付不得附带任何条件。委付一经保险人接受, 不得撤回。
From top to bottom the whole nation must at once abandon any idea of being able to live in submissive peace with the Japanese aggressors.
Then once again concentrate ideas from the masses and once again go to the masses so that the ideas are persevered in and carried through.
You'd better think it through again: once decided, you can't change your mind any more. Once the arrow is shot, you can never take it back.
Built in 1773, the temple once had an abbot to supervise the monks work, such as chanting scriptures at the Buddhist temples in Changchunyuan.
Ultimately, situations that once brought on horrendous changeback attacks, that once appeared to you as utterly unworkable puzzles, may end up barely fazing you at all.

单词 once 释义

  • 单词释义:一次;每一次;每隔…一次;曾经  [更多..]



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