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单词 offhand 例句大全,用单词offhand造句:

Do not go beyond the Tee Line to drive a ball, collect the topped ball or offhand club.
严禁走到发球线外发球, 拾取击出的球或脱手的球杆。
Mutilate this ability will no longer give poisons on the offhand weapon two chances to be triggered.
While it is more like a storm in a teacup now as Hanson and her party do not have the political influence to wreak havoc, the grave potential danger cannot be dismissed offhand.
尽管现阶段在政海起落浮沉, 但潜伏着很大的危险性。

单词 offhand 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.即时的,无准备的,唐突的;adv.即时地,随便地  [更多..]



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