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单词 ode 例句大全,用单词ode造句:

The admixture of ode and biography is the basic stylistic feature of Romance in Tang Dynasty.
Ode to Dionysus and the evolution of the chorus, led directly to the production of Greek tragedy.
With the powerful and magnificent music Ode to the red Flag, our performance is coming to an end.
在气壮山河的红旗颂中, 我们的演出即将结束。
Suddenly, the literary genre that Milton is writing in is no longer this triumphant classical ode.
Declamation The Lords Prayer, Psalm 23, Psalm 100 and An Ode to Mothers, by EFCI Chinese School students, .
爱恩教会爱恩中文学校学生朗诵主祷文, 诗篇23, 100篇, 及母亲颂。
The verse form of Shelleys Ode to the West Wind has five strophes, and each strophe is exactly the same in form.
The number of Ode to music in Tang Dynasty is not proved and there is not final conclusion in academia in the long run.
Chemostat is a simplified model of lakes and it has about chemostat including many types of equations such as ODE, PDE, RFDE cte.
Second, show unique characteristics on his poem of chanting thing, chanting his poem Ode on a sigh of things to express their feelings.

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