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单词 opera 例句大全,用单词opera造句:

A peking opera player cannot achieve eminence unless he or she can sing and sing excellently.
Art Achievement and Effect of Chinese Traditional Opera Poem in Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty
The members of the opera company made her acquaintance without the formality of introduction.
Studying Geography Research on Li Yu's opera theory and audience orientation in opera writing
The Miao ethnic group has their own type of traditional folk opera, which we call Miao opera.
But if you try it, you might wonder why the number isn't higher. Opera is a terrific browser.
It's quite interesting to compare the differences between opera painting and opera performance.
A variety of opera performances, acrobatics shows, paintings, calligraphy and food will dazzle you.
Hunan Flower Drum Opera Hunan Flower Drum plays all over the place, the general term for light opera.
湖南花鼓戏是湖南各地地方小戏花鼓, 灯戏的总称。
The actor representing the servant took cues from the dialogue of the opera and appeared on the stage.
Suzhou opera originated from the narrative genre of talking and singing accompanied by stringed and percussion instruments.
On the Relations between Zhu Gong Tune and South Opera Brief Discussion on the Construction of Wenzhou South Opera Database
Some say that southern drama has been extinct, but others say that it still exists in the current Ou opera and Kunqu opera.
The book,"A General Survey of Beijing Opera in China" is a key to acquaint yourself with the art of Beijing opera.
After his opening words, the actor presented himself and recited a four-sentence poem to introduce the content of the opera .
Some of you are probably aware of Opera, a browser born and distributed in Norway. But do you know about Rdesk or 1X or iCab?
He was originally a pingju actor, and went on to start business. Pingju: traditional opera popular in north and northeast China.
The young, middle-aged, and old actors of Chinese Peking Opera Theatre are all very mature. Thus they are very popular among people.
Opera in the Han Dynasty was not the source of Chinese traditional opera. It only contained some of the elements of traditional opera.
Few of today's opera actors can sing"Shibuxian'erlianhuala" (a singing form accompanied by music on ten percussion instruments).
Also, Opera is not a simple browser the kind you need if you have an older computer and like to stay online while working in other programs.
Now, many schools of Beijing Opera are lacking good people to carry on the skills, which poses a grave problem for the development of Beijing Opera.
Discussion on philosophy and political theory abounded, Sichuan opera was performed, and storytellers shared humorous anecdotes and Chinese fairytales.
Went to Seoul Arts Center for the opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro.’ I thought an opera was something similar to a musical, but they are a totally different story.
The Difference between Li Yu and Li Yu the Difference between Professional Playwrights of Traditional Chinese Opera and Specialized Playwrights of Traditional Chinese Opera

单词 opera 释义

  • 单词释义:歌剧;歌剧艺术, 歌剧业;作品( opus的名词复数 );砌  [更多..]



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