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单词 nun 例句大全,用单词nun造句:

A nun in charge of a priory or ranking next below the abbess of an abbey.
The princess is married to the prince. The nun has given birth to a monk.
公主嫁给太子, 尼姑生了一个和尚。
The year before, an elderly nun working in a hospital there was murdered.
此前一年, 一位在医院工作的年长的嬷嬷被杀害。
When he meets the nun, she helps him understand a few secrets of Buddhism.
当他遇见这位尼姑时, 她帮助他了解一些佛教的秘密。
Bisher waren 40 Gigawatt geplant, nun sollen es fast doppelt so viel werden.
之前计划为40百万千瓦, 现在却要几乎两倍那么多。
The subprioress was an old Spanish nun, Mother Cineres, who was almost blind.
Mother Teresa is an elderly nun who has devoted her life to fighting poverty.
Only, when a child passed near a nun and addressed her, the nun never replied.
Gelobet sei der HERR, der Gott Israels, von nun an bis in Ewigkeit! Amen, amen.
耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的, 从永远直到永远。阿们, 阿们。
The voice just fell, only listened to a thunderclap for to divide the nun dies.
话音刚落, 只听一个霹雷把修女给劈死了。
A nun took me over to the convent of the Sisters of Mercy, asking them to hide me.
La apartamento estis vaka jam dum pli ol unu jaro, sed gxis nun ankoraux neludonita.
The first nun leaves, and the fourth nun begins to chuckle quietly under her breath.
Tonsured Xiaoxu Chen which become Buddhist nun named in religion China strict scholar
On Buddhist Monk and Nun Characters in Chinese Popular Novels of the Late Ming Dynasty
A nun in the convent walked into the bathroom where mother superior was taking a shower.
She also claims she was beaten with a tree branch from the garden by the nun then in charge.
A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.
From the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day, the Israelites had not celebrated it like this.
Listening to the nun tearfully describe her experiences, we could not help but cry along with her.
我们听著她的哭诉, 忍不住也跟著掉泪。
Allerdings gibt es immer Kompromisse, ob das nun Kosten sind oder Leistungsaufnahme oder sonst etwas.
Aureate, argent draw the outline of successfully with white become a monk or nun the decorous atmosphere in.
The cab driver pulled into the alley and the nun went to work. Shortly afterwards, the cab driver started crying.
司机开进了小胡同, 修女履行了诺言。一会, 司机开始痛哭流涕。
Join , We talk about guide army man Buddhist nun public house inside inferior strength and exterior and intimidate.
接下来, 我们谈到迪士尼酒店的内部劣势和外部威胁。
Though poor, she touched the world with her religious spirit. Another example is Chengyen, a senior Buddhist nun in Taiwan.
她在财富上一无所有, 但她的宗教精神感动了整个世界。

单词 nun 释义



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