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单词 numb 例句大全,用单词numb造句:

I can still play the drums and the piano, but my left hand is kind of numb.
我还能打鼓和弹钢琴, 但是我的左手有些发麻。
I be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child.
Let's try acupuncture to see if it produces any effect. Do you feel numb now
His hands were numb with cold but he did not dare attempt to shift his grip.
手冻得都麻木了, 但是他还是紧抓着龙鳞不敢动一下。
Usually, it also goes numb, so that the feeling of cold and pain disappears.
通常会变为麻木, 以致寒冷与疼痛的感觉消失。
My entire right side of my face is completely numb and swollen for no reason.
After the accident, she couldnt feel anything in her left leg, ie it was numb.
出事以後, 她的左腿失去了知觉。
So only a numb heart trauma of Red Dust, to continue to drift in this struggle!
Sometimes feel cheap, looking for the feeling of pumping, are numb, or shameless.
Treatment for numb limbs and arthritis, rheumatism, prostate and bladder inflammation.
Except an exhausted heart the numb heart, you also have the heart which feels grateful
The surgeon sprays the back of your mouth with a local anaesthetic to numb your throat.
Love one person is numb, numbness will accommodate all, communication to be on the line.
爱一人个是麻木, 麻木会包容一切, 沟通得到就行。
Beat me till Im am numb tell the devil I said hey when you get back to where youre from.
把我打到麻木, 当你变回原样时, 我跟魔鬼说了声嘿
We supply large quantity of such nuts as walnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, numb pepper, etc.
Numb myself with my thoughts, my feelings and blurs Cest un engourdissement. Pas sevader.
The problem is and I learned this from the research that you cannot selectively numb emotion.
The acupuncturist then manipulates the needles to create a numb radiating sensation called de qi.
Effect of Different Puncture Direction for Supraclavicular Brachial Nerve Plexes Block in Numb Level
His hands and feet often go numb, which the doctor has diagnosed as non-smooth circulation of blood.
His limbs have become numb, and his black hair has become a silver, long been the freezing of body sweat.
The drug itself, the medication itself will take the edge off the medication itself will numb your feelings.
The left side of his face ached except those parts that felt numb because of the drugged wire holding it together.
Is again numb and weak to obtain overseas from her peak of the tongue, collapse tight body nerveless soft come down.
Art should be a kind of satire, a warning to our numb feelings, lifeless thoughts, and unnatural lives. It teaches us to be unpretentious and sincere in this artificial world.

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