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单词 notification 例句大全,用单词notification造句:

This method provides notification that a message has been successfully delivered to the broker.
You must use an asynchronous notification technique to retrieve the number of bytes transferred.
Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General.
任何缔约方均可退出本条约, 退约应通知总干事。
Delivery status notification This report describes the result of an attempt to deliver a message.
The turn? key mass notification system effectively broadcasts information to a targeted audience.
The third result set provides detailed information about notifications in the notification batch.
In the former case, a copy of the resolution for dissolution must be attached to the notification.
在前一情形, 必须对申报附具解散决议的副本。
Written notification will be sent to the successful applicants on the arrangement of the competition.
The base contains useful utilities, such as bootstrapping and event notification, to name just a few.
基础部分中包含有用的库, 比如自举和事件通知等等。
This is the notification of administrative measures and penalties taken on your company's tax affairs.
Number of notification batches waiting to be picked up by the distributor during the reporting interval.
在报告间隔内, 等待分发服务器拾取的通知批数。
The Centre has the discretion to amend the guidelines as and when necessary without further notification.
如有需要, 本中心有权随时修改本须知内容, 恕不另行通告。
The Office has the discretion to amend the guidelines as and when necessary without further notification.
如有需要, 本办事处有权随时修改本须知内容, 恕不另行通告。
A notification consumer is an entity that receives the notifications distributed by notification producers.
Configuration choices for notification descriptors will hinge on the naming convention for the types attribute.
Successful applicants will receive individual notification and will be invited to attend the training programme.
Any notification for the purposes of this Regulation shall be in a form specified in the appropriate regulations.
Refund of outstanding tuition fees will be calculated based on the date written notification was received by SRIS.
The original resolution containing the amendment and a copy shall be attached to the notification of the amendment.
The applicant was so choked with excitement at the acceptance notification that he could hardly bring out a goodbye.
The specification defines a notification broker interface along with the methods that this interface should provide.
This message might be one notification, a digest of notifications, or the notification data for one multicast message.
此消息可以是通知, 通知摘要或多播消息的通知数据。
A subscription is an entity that represents the relationship between a notification consumer and a notification producer.
Design and Realization of Microcomputer Remote Measure System for Central Heating and Application of WinCE notification APl
Such designation shall be effected by virtue of a written notification between the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties.

单词 notification 释义

  • 单词释义:通知;通知单;布告;公布  [更多..]



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