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单词 nothing 例句大全,用单词nothing造句:

Please leave nothing except your footprints Please take away nothing except pictures
They knew nothing of cultivation and nothing of any sort of basketwork or woven cloth.
There is nothing right in your left brain and there is nothing left in your right brain.
But often this feeling of abandonment or estrangement from God has nothing to do with sin.
但是, 这种被神抛弃, 与神疏远的感觉往往与罪无关。
Nothing could deter, nothing can alter, My eternal love for her. I'll gain My country girl.
神永远的爱, 无何能妨碍, 亦无何能以更改, 神终得心所爱!
Love just is a pretense for vanity, noting for beauty, nothing for happy, nothing for mercy.
What I have is nothing but frustration and depression, nothing but an overwhelming sense of loss.
人到中年, 豪情不再, 有的只是沮丧, 有的只是失落。
He said nothing but sat there staring blankly. or He said nothing but sat there as if in a trance.
他话也不说, 坐在那里发呆。
Look all around,there's nothing but blue skies. Look straight ahead,there's nothing but blue skies.
The awakened admonish us to get nothing is to get something to have got something is to get nothing.
Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies. Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies.
看看周围, 只有蓝色的天空。朝前看只有蓝色的天空。
Ralph. W. Sockman said Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength.
It is said that he was a great singer before. return Nothing but But he cares nothing but his research.
While nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer, nothing is more difficult than to understand him.
Fatherlessness means having nothing to depend on, while Motherlessness means having nothing to lean against.
She was not beautiful. Nothing about her was extraordinary. Nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd.
她不漂亮, 一点也没有特别之处, 没什么让她出类拔萃。
He is unwilling to leave his official post but is incapable,so he can do nothing but obtain power by abnormal means.
The person who is omnipotent actually can do nothing, while the omnipotent specialist actually specialize in nothing.
The ideal is nothing but the culminating point of logic, the same as the beautiful is nothing but the summit of the true.
To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs,or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards.
But I also learnt the relativity of things nothing is completely and absolutely good and nothing is completely and absolutely bad.
Here on the prairie there is nothing to distract attention from the evening and the morning, nothing on the horizon to abbreviate or delay.
这儿, 在这个平原上, 夜晚和清晨圆满无缺, 地平线一览无余。
Andrews We have some carving knives in the abattoir, a few more in the mess hall.Some fire axes scattered about the place nothing terribly formidable.
安德鲁斯我们有一些弯刀和火斧, 没什么可怕的。
Nothing seems to matter when you are very sick. Nothing seems to be important when you are very sick. Nothing seems to be of importance when you are very sick.
当你病重时, 什么事都无关重要了。
There is nothing more visible than what is secret, and nothing more manifest than what is minute. Therefore the superior man is watchful over himself, when he is alone.
莫见乎隐, 莫显乎微。故君子慎其独也。

单词 nothing 释义

  • 单词释义:没有什么;无关紧要的事物/人;零;不值钱  [更多..]



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