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单词 obvious 例句大全,用单词obvious造句:

The effect of anaerobic training on the liver function was more obvious than aerobic training.
All of these results indicate that the adherent cells have obvious endothelial characteristics.
The most obvious and most reliable way of avoiding pregnancy is complete abstinence from coitus.
The change of the surface figure accuracy is not obvious after dynamic and thermal vacuum tests.
经过力学与热真空环境试验后, 反射镜面形变化不明显。
The Study of Place of Obvious Estrogenic Effect on Estrogenlike Activity of Samia cynthia ricini
It is obvious that many social stigmas concerning HIV will still need to be addressed and fixed.
They were obvious that what was going on was an epidemic of accounting control fraud building up.
它们清楚地表明了 大面积的会计管理欺诈行为正在升级。
The two channels near the outlet of the pump have obvious gas accumulation with higher gas voids.
靠近泵出口的两个叶道内, 有气相的积聚, 含气率较高。
Ruins are the most obvious sign of ancient Athens, and the most famous of these is the Acropolis.
The migration of some stents was found. There were no obvious dysfunction in the adjacent organs.
An obvious sign of this is the housing accumulation fund system starting to be commonly established.
These elements made the academy education present the obvious characters of the imperial examination.
Its aim may be the advancement of knowledge and understanding, without obvious practical implications.
The resource of higher and vocational education in Jingzhou is abundant and its advantages are obvious.
Results There were obvious positive correlations between the Intellingece Quotient and the achievements.
The main and obvious advantage would be that the regime will be simpler to understand by its many users.
In addition, there is no obvious law between the site factors and the distribution of underbrush species.
Rod should not have obvious camber, crack, burr, peeling or other defect affecting he further uses.
Child acute eczema is a common disease in dermatology, which can be treated by TCM with obvious advantage.
Those differences of adult lifespan, period before laying eggs and the rate of hatching eggs were not obvious.
而成虫寿命, 产卵前期, 卵孵化率差异都不显著。
Huck always assumes a serious and thoughtful narrative tone, with obvious intent to be adult alike to incur laughter.
哈克以严肃且深思的口吻来进行叙述, 故作老成以博得笑声
An obvious proportional relationship between the seismic magnitude and abnormal temperature rising area is not existed.
If action to address a substantial current account deficit is taken, then the more obvious measures to consider include
Planets in aspect to the composite ascendant show active and obvious energies that the couple faces in their daytodayinterac tions.
The influence of gravitation is obvious in the axially direction. Therefore the effect of inclination angle on the performance of miniature grooved heat pipe is obvious.

单词 obvious 释义

  • 单词释义:明显的;当然的;平淡无奇的;不必要的  [更多..]



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